Christina Cassata + IN BLOOM



2 years, 10 months ago


This profile contains mention of parental death.
Christina Cassata +「IN BLOOM」

Sale: NO Trade: NO Offer: NO
Nicknames: none
Stand:「IN BLOOM」
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human
Sexuality: lesbian


Age: 20
Height: 5'6"
Birthday: May 11th
☏ Occupation: Maid/Waitress

As a child in mainland Italy, Christina survived a car accident that killed her parents and suffered a head injury. She was comatose for months, during which she had extremely vivid dreams that felt years long for her. After waking up, she moved in with her aunt and uncle who run a resort in Sicily mostly frequented by wealthy individuals, which is where she discovered her stand power by testing it out on the guests. Personality wise, Christina always puts on her best Customer Service Smile, which is often mistaken for vulnerability or absent-mindedness, and that's exactly what she wants. In reality, she is very observant and intelligent, preferring to watch people and engage in conversation to find out things like their occupation, nationality, hobbies, personal life and anything else that could give clues as to what kinds of things she may find in their memories. Normally, Christina uses her stand's power to manifest copies of any valuable objects she can find, which she then sells on the black market or to collectors, creating a connection between her and the mafia. The reason she has never been caught by them is that she manifests people (from memories of strangers she passes on the street; since she's not trying to replicate a specific person and their personality, the accuracy is irrelevant) to make the sales for her as she hides off in the shadows to watch. The first object she ever manifested as a child was the folding fan she carries with her-- the original belonged to a rich girl who stayed at the hotel. The girl was extremely rude and snobby, and after her original, fancy antique fan was ruined by accident, Christina manifested hers while the girl was asleep and flaunted it around to make her jealous. She would prefer to avoid conflict wherever possible. However, if she were to get dragged into some sort of nonsense, it would be from another stand user catching on to her ability and hiring her to replicate something or even just access a memory for information.


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IN BLOOM's power is invading people's minds and manifesting copies of objects and creatures from their memories in the real world. Specifically, it has to be something the person has strong sensory memories of, such as its smell, texture or weight; therefore, she can only really manifest something or someone that the target has close personal experience with, and not just something they read about in a book or saw on TV. Also, if the object has a specific function outside of just being decorative, the functionality of the manifested copy relies on the person's tactile experience with the object. For example, if she was in an emergency and needed a gun, she could try to manifest one from her own memories, but since she's never actually seen or used a gun in real life, she would make a really fucked-up looking gun that could fire like, half a bullet. IN BLOOM is, ironically, kinda like a mix between WHITESNAKE and BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE. IN BLOOM uses its uncomfortably long fingers to probe a person's brain and access their memories; once it leaves, it must remain within ten feet of the target long enough to form the copy from its own self-generated material. Though it can't explicitly control what will be found inside the mind or make new memories for a person, it can use suggestion to potentially cause the person to begin remembering it more clearly for better accuracy. Memory objects look and feel exactly like the real thing (and behave like them if it's a living creature) on the surface, but on the inside, they're just solid masses of IN BLOOM's strange, green fleshy material, and if "alive" are incapable of feeling pain. Inanimate manifested objects will exist indefinitely, but manifested creatures/living organisms can only exist for a certain amount of time before devolving into a pile of grey mush-- hours to days if it's something simple like a bug, up to 15-ish minutes for a human being. In a fight, she would (theoretically) mostly rely on letting her stand fight for her using a stash of manifested weapons, or potentially use manifested people as pawns if she has the time, opportunity, and foresight to create any.

Flowers Seashells Being nosy Coffee Soap operas


Cleaning toilets Rude guests Snakes Football fans Neon colors


In Bloom - Nirvana

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chris.aes.png Code by MoolkY / Pride icon by Kryn / Stand chart by Spooky Ghostwriter