Halcyon Castor



A prince from a fallen kingdom. He was sealed into an Astral Realm bubble under the guise of keeping him safe during a revolution. However, the revolution was being led by the very people ferreting him away, so the old regime was overthrown, the traitors of the crown assumed power, and so Halcyon was stranded in the land of dreams for eons.

This has led Halcyon to have an extremely bratty and entitled mindset. He's never wanted for anything and knew absolutely no inconvenience in either waking reality or in dreams, so even simple things like being hungry but having to wait for food to be done in order to eat is inherently frustrating. He's exceedingly creative, though, and always comes up with the wildest part of any plan (which almost always work).

His signature talent is Dream Domain, a lower-powered version of the bubble he was stored in.