[f2u] tropical* vacation



2 years, 10 months ago


[f2u] tropical* vacation

a code for summer themed code advent calendar! my theme was tropical, and i felt compelled to make something that resembled a post card...

intended to be used as a quick summary for locations; feel free to modify it to suit your needs! for the landmarks, you can also switch out each landmark's fontawesome icon. if you're at a loss for what to use for the background and header, i recommend checking out unsplash for free stock photos!

html only. (all users can use!)
custom colours.
mobile friendly.
*doesn't need to be tropical!
usage rules

- credit is not required. you are free to remove my credit from the code, so long as you do not claim it as your own.

- you are free to modify it as much as you'd like. frankensteining is also allowed, so long as you are not breaking anyone else's TOS.

- turn off wysiwyg. you cannot edit this code with it on.

- do not redistribute, especially not for monetary gain. though you can use snippets to build your own templates for distribution, please refrain from taking large chunks or otherwise redistributing this in its entirety.

Place Name

Write a description about your location here. This will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut magna sed mauris faucibus posuere fermentum interdum neque. Aenean eu urna ultricies, efficitur sapien at, pulvinar ante. Aliquam id metus tempor, luctus arcu sit amet, ultricies dolor. Nulla facilisi. Etiam sed maximus augue. Integer id lectus malesuada ipsum aliquet suscipit sed at tellus. Proin ultricies dictum orci, ut accumsan elit sodales non. Fusce lacinia enim odio, convallis vestibulum nunc venenatis id. Proin volutpat dolor at orci scelerisque, eu blandit libero pharetra.

  • Faction [faction here]
  • Location [location here]
  • Climate [climate here]
  • Language [language(s) here]
bg by unsplash stamp by name header by unsplash
...subtitle here
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit.

...subtitle here
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit.

...subtitle here
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit.

Landmark 1
...subtitle here
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Landmark 2
...subtitle here
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Landmark 3
...subtitle here
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Verity Isle
the island of truths

Yellowfin surgeonfish: sandfish pearl trout cod Black prickleback piranha Quillfish duckbill eel olive flounder, tuna. Rabbitfish halibut long-finned pike, zebra bullhead shark sandbar shark.

Gurnard dogteeth tetra peamouth, devil ray channel catfish, wolffish. Kelpfish basslet silver hake dwarf loach salmon Manta Ray. Stingray catfish ling squaretail anchovy : loweye catfish nurseryfish weasel shark.

  • Faction unaligned
  • Location west pearl sea
  • Climate subtropical
  • Language common aquatic
bg by arrigo lupori stamp by freepik header by jaemin don
Clownfish Maia
...local apothecary
The eccentric little clownfish that runs the reef's local apothecary. Dreams of one day smelling a flower on the island.

Octopus Henry
...weird wizard dude
An old, odd fellow who lives at the farthest edge of the gorge. He claims to have kelps so powerful they can let you walk on land. Seems to ramble a lot.

...delightful traveler
She's just here for a good time. Nobody's quite sure where she's from but she seems to visit often.

The Sunken Ship
...a relic of time past
Located several kilometres off the eastern shore, sandwiched between boulders on the sea floor. Nobody's quite sure how long its been there. The locals often speak rumours of hidden treasure supposedly still untouched - hidden within its crevices - waiting to be discovered. The passage of time has treated the shipwreck well; most of its structure is still intact.

Sun-laden Reef
...a lively village & trading post
A gorgeous reef spanning almost an entire quarter of the island's circumference beginning just off it's northern shore. The water is almost completely clear, allowing harsh rays of sunlight to seep and illuminate the forests of vegetation. Aquatic travelers stop by to exchange wares.

The East Island
...distant and untouched
Aptly named, the East Island is a much smaller island far of the eastern coast of Verite Isle. Its greenery is lush and vibrant, but nobody seems to visit...