


2 years, 10 months ago


Fang Rivera
age 17

pronouns he/they

birthday june 23

height 4'8

species owl faunus

grumpy intelligent caring quiet empathetic

fang often appears very grouchy and quiet. he genuinely cares about his friends and the people around him. if he speaks, he's usually quite blunt and soft-spoken. they're a natural born leader and are extremely good at planning. they prefer to talk things out or use wit to sabotage rather than hand-to-hand combat, but they're an excellent fighter if given no other choice. they take a while to trust others and would sometimes rather be alone. it takes him an extremely long time to open up to someone, but he does get more laid-back eventually after he lets his guard down.


fang grew up on a quaint island called menagerie with his parents, talon and jazz. they lived in a tiny house near the coast and were extremely friendly. everyone lit up when they saw the riveras and the whole island seemed to know who they were. fang enjoyed making small wooden boats or furniture with their dad, who was a carpenter. they spent afternoons helping their mom make and sell jewelry out of gemstones. they would sell the jewelry and sometimes little wooden figures at their own stall at the marketplace. people would often come by to check their wares or to simply chat, and everyone would leave with a smile on their face.

one fateful night when fang was 7 years old, disaster struck. a looming beowolf found its way in the rivera home after high tension on the island after an apprent murder. fang managed to hide, but his parents weren't given such luck. his parents' only thoughts in that moment were keeping fang and each other safe. that night, fang found out his semblance in exchange for his parents' lives, and in a way, his as well. he was never the same after it. he completely locked everyone out and stored away the key. his semblance, quiet time, allows him to create a field around himself and/or anyone of his choice. this field makes anyone inside of it completely silent on the outside. it took him years to be able to use it without feeling extreme guilt.

after being tossed from foster family to foster family for a decade, fang decided to leave. they built a canoe and sailed away from menagerie when they were 17. by then, the riveras were only known for their tragic ends rather than the life and brightness they brought to the island. fang was tired of being treated like broken glass with only the necklace his mom made to remember his family by. he ended up in haven, and found people there that helped fix his broken pieces and relight the drive and happiness inside him. he's training to be a huntsman at haven academy with his team, fsca.