πŸ’‰β‹† erra β‹†πŸ’Š



2 years, 10 months ago


So with that transient kiss,
I can live on again
june 2nd
mignyan (cat)
$0 hes ugly

Erra is as friendly as they come, being a well-known doctor with a reputation for hospitality. He is always smiling and willing to lend a helping hand to anyone, no matter what the problem is...or so he wants you to believe. He's not all he seems.

Excuse me, under your feet
there might be my girfriend who died last night

Behind closed doors, Erra is a cruel and malicious person who should never be trusted. He has little to no regard for those around him, and could care less about what happens to those entrusted to his care.

Doing his best to uphold the former host's reputation as a trustworthy doctor, he uses this notoriety to lure his patients and use them as an opportunity to study and experiment. He does it for no apparent reason other than his sadistic desire for knowledge.

Outside of a few... special cases, he finds other people irritating and has no desire to form close relationships, as he prefers to live a free life and have his options open at all times, ready to weasel his way out of any situation he doesn't want to be in.


Erra was a well-respected doctor before becoming infected. Despite his average personality, he was well known among his peers for being so dedicated to his work and for how genuinely caring he was, with the ability to brighten a room with his presence. Even having his own significant other, whom he met in medical school, things in his life seemed to be going perfectly, with the exception of a few... personal issues, leaving the timing of his infection to be tragic in a kind of ironic way.

Could you please lift that foot?
  • bang is ALWAYS covering right eye, if not then its his former host
  • pants are baggy
  • wears sneakers, idc what kind you draw him in until i make him a new ref :P
  • i honestly dont know what i was thinking when i was designing him i have to fix is outfit LOL.
  • not picky with how hes drawn :)
  • ugly
"Work partners" with a bit of a rough start, Cheren has come to be of the few if not the only person Erra genuinely enjoys the company of. I pledge allegiance to yaoi.

Quite literally just being used as a pawn, Erra keeps the detective under his thumb as much as he can, in whatever way he can. He is not above using seduction as one of these methods. (AS MUCH AS I WISH HE WERE!)

Ronan, who's already crazy himself, had relations with Erra's previous host, making this one very... odd relationship for Erra. "Yes haha honey I miss our old spark (WHAT?) Please leave the clinic (GET OUT WEIRDO) I have work to do. ^_^ (DONT COME BACK)
  • syringes
  • experimenting
  • sweets
  • mystery novels
  • girlsgogames
  • kids, to a degree
  • naivety
  • getting dirty
  • tall people
  • loud people
  • obnoxious people
  • guys i think he might not like people?
  • sweet tooth comes from prev host!
  • does his hair bang himself...he thinks it looks good
  • doesn't know how to act around kids (its awkward to him...) though he'd never hurt one
  • plant fan, would take up gardening if he weren't so busy
  • needs to be hit by a semituck
Very cunning and manipulative, he's doing 4D chess in his mind all the time figuring out ways he others.
He thinks he's hot shit. He thinks he IS the moment. Maybe he is? To me he isn't. I pray everyday that he explodes.
While his previous host enjoyed corny jokes and the like, Erra is no longer so fond of them and would almost certainly be booed out of open mic night.
Pretty much his job to be as charming and charismatic as possible, it's how he gets you. WATCH OUT!!!
He has a surprising lack of patience. He can become VERY passive aggressive and antsy if his daily routines are disrupted or delayed by others, and he has no patience for obnoxious people.
Uhhh... he'll fake it...? He cuts people open for fun, not really sure what youre expecting sorry.
Are you the worst person to ever exist?

i dont know what to put for these sorry...
its not ok. Im going to kill you

So you were just toying with me with
those poisoned lips!