


6 years, 9 months ago


Zincxer Carmnine

⚡Dragon King⚡

”The rumble of thunder, gives insight to the oncoming storm.”

❝Got any food...?❞

N A M E Zincxer Carmnine N I C K N A M E Zinc
P R O N O U N C E D Zinc-ser  P R O N O U N C E D Zinc 
H E I G H T  8'0" G E N D E R  Male
A G E  515  V I S I B L E   A G E  25
S P E C I E S Dragon  O C C U P A T I O N Dragon King
W E A P O N  Magic  A L I G N M E N T Neutral Evil
B I R T H   D A T E N/A S E X U A L I T Y  Gay
A B I L I T I E S Lightning | Blue Fire | Strength  D I S A B I L I T I E S  None

Mischeivous // Stubborn// Proud // condescending // responsible


Zincxer is a large, heavy built dragon with enormous wings. He enherited the title of King Of Dragons from his mother who was previously Queen. He was adopted into the family at an early age, and has grown with them ever since. He has a large human form that is larger than average. He is generally calm and quirky, and always has something to comment on. His body no longer ages, and he is visible form is what he lives on as now.

He can shift between both forms, shifting to his draconic from from a small human like form is extremely painful, though in his years this pain has numbed. He generally enjoys being in his draconic form more than a human form, though do to his extremely large size, draconic form is not always available.

He has seemingly taken much after his father, Balto and his mother, Evangeline, gaining traits from both whilst retaining many of his own quirks, if in contact with him, he would generally put on a respectable persona, leaving his more mischievous antics for when he isn't doing his kingly duties, or simply relaxing with friends.

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❝Tofu!? No!❞

• Flying
• Working
• Combat Training
• Family Time
• Eating
✔ Family
✔ Pork
✔ Learning
✔ Anything 'edible'
✖ Tofu
✖ Holy Creatures
✖ No food
✖ Being alone



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ϟ ////// ϟ

OFFENSE ★★★★★★★★☆☆ IQ ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
DEFENSE ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ SKILL ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
AGILITY ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ALCHEMY ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
MAGIC ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ HEALING ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

S T R E N G T H S: Any heat, fire or lava can give a small boost to his energy, however storms give him the greatest increase in power. His body acts as a lightning rod, raising his already high electrical currents within him. His body is also larger enough to be a strength on its own, dwarfing cities, mountains also become a mere hill or something simple to perch upon.

W E A K N E S S E S: Due to the size of his wings, and the short fur around his body, he cannot swim in his draconic form. His wings are far too large and he wouldn't be able to get them above the ground, his fur would also weigh him down. Due to this he struggles in water. He also has weaknesses to holy magics due to his fathers influence on his body. In his human form he has no issues with water however.

W E A P O N S : His main weapon is his magic. It has three main varients. His main one is lightning/ electricity, second is his blue fire, and third is a mixture of the two, though this takes up much more energy. He also is currently learning blood magic, and can do limited things with that. His size and form can also be used as a weapon as he is built like a tank. Though this obviously doesn't count so much in his human form depending on who he faces.

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❝I'm hungry...❞


Name:  Evangeline Carmnine
Age: 900(500past)
Gender: Female
Relationship: Mother

”Part time dragon, part time demon, full time loving mother~”

Name:  Balto
Age: 1,562,986,768
Gender: Male
Relationship: Father

”Trickster demon, eventually loving father. Wonderfully bad rolemodel. Mother says I got my bad habits from him.”

Name:  Jecht
Age: 448
Gender: Male
Relationship: Life Mate

”My adorable Gryphon. Love of my life, completely shy and adorable little ruffl- What... Hey Jecht- Wait where are you going- no wait, come bac- Jecht!”

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