


6 years, 9 months ago






N A M E Jecht N I C K N A M E N/A
P R O N O U N C E D Jek-t  P R O N O U N C E D N/A 
H E I G H T  7'0" G E N D E R  Male
A G E  448  V I S I B L E   A G E  24
S P E C I E S Gryphon  O C C U P A T I O N King
W E A P O N  Magic  A L I G N M E N T Neutral Good
B I R T H   D A T E 1st September  S E X U A L I T Y  Gay
A B I L I T I E S Wind/Air Manipulation | Speed/Agility  D I S A B I L I T I E S  Missing right arm | Language barrier

reserved // quiet // calm // proud // neat


Jecht is a large Gryphon, his feline part is that of a Snow Leopard, whilst his avian part is that of a Phoenix. These traits had been inherited from his parents. His fathers dominant gene was the Snow Leopard. Whilst his mothers dominant gene was an Ice Phoenix. His size is far larger than any usual Gryphon, though not as large as his mother. The size inherited was given by the Phoenix gene, the rarer the gene, the more unique and different the Gryphon would be. Generally Gryphons seemed to come in smaller sizes, the smallest being the size of a small horse. The general size being that of a bus to a plane. Yet Jecht and his mother range beyond these heights due to their Phoenix genes.

He takes after his mother over his father, yet has learned from them both back in the Gryphon realm. He learnt his magic and the way of life, before setting out to learn new things. Most Gryphons remained in the realm, which is closed off and a locked realm to outsiders. Only a few seem to want to leave the realm, and when they do, many return with new information/ lore/ treasures to store in their vast libraries and storage. Jecht now resides in the Dragon realm, taking his place beside Zinc as king. Though he regularly returns to his home realm to visit his parents.

As of now, he struggles with language, he is fluent in his natural tongue of Gryphon, has become moderate with Draconic, yet has trouble writing it and reading it. He is very new to the common tongue, cannot read or write it and has trouble speaking it and understanding things. When he sees he has made mistakes in Draconic or Common, it is not uncommon for him to become rather flustered, losing the ability to then speak anything other than Gryphon due to overwhelming himself with embarassment.

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• Meditation
• Hunting
• Flying/ Exploration
• Training
• Learning new things
✔ Tea
✔ Sashimi
✔ Sake
✔ Bathing
✖ Extremely loud noise
✖ Dirty things
✖ Sticky things
✖ Chocolate

🎲P L A Y L I S T🎲

 P L A Y  

  • Marcus Warner - The Way of Honour
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Peaceful // Smart // Mature // Trusting

OFFENSE ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ IQ ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
DEFENSE ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ SKILL ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
AGILITY ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ALCHEMY ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
MAGIC ★★★★★★★★★☆ HEALING ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


S T R E N G T H S: Due to his way of life, he's skilled in keeping a level head and calm at nearly all times. Through meditation and guidance he has built up a strong mental capability and is not easily broken. Any wind or storms can also up and aid his magical abilities with any sort of air movement.

W E A K N E S S E S: Due to his body type, he is more physically frail than others. In his Gryphon form, he would not be able to contend with larger beasts. Though his speed aims to aid in evading such things. He can also be seen as slightly stubborn on occasion due to being slightly strict in certain aspects of his life and is very critical of himself. Though generally keeps these things to himself he is usually seen as very forgiving and accepting.

W E A P O N S : His weapon is magic, specifically air. Any time of air he can create and manipulate, right down to the air in ones lungs if he really wanted too. With his magic, he can form tornadoes. Or storms when combined with Zincxers thunderous lightning. He can also condense the air to create razer sharp air or razor wind, able to slice and cut seamlessly.

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❝It is alright.❞


Name:  Evangeline Carmnine
Age: 1000
Gender: Female
Relationship: Mother-In-Law

”She is very kind. A strong woman, I respect her fully.”

Name:  Balto
Age: 1,562,986,368
Gender: Male
Relationship: Father-In-Law

”Ah.. Balto.. He seems very harsh, but has good intentions. He cares for his family a large amount. He seems very intimidating, but it is best to look past that. He has been generous to me, I have much to thank him for.”

Name:  Zincxer
Age: 515
Gender: Male
Relationship: Life Mate

”...Zincxer, he is a bright spark. A large surprise in my life and a welcomed one, he has aided me in many things. I am happy to be the one he chose. He is a good king, and very smart.”

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