Fai Shi



2 years, 10 months ago


Fai Shi

AGE 29








Fai Shi is a well-known master architect from Liyue that was born into a prominent merchant family. His designs are known to be solid, comfortable yet incredibly elegant with a unique flair. He was born with a twisted left leg that’s slightly shorter than his right, and because of the heavy limp this causes he must use a cane.


-Fai Shi comes across as someone who holds himself aloof and is very serious to strangers. He’s very deliberate with everything he does, and very dedicated. It gives him a bit of an aristocratic feeling at times, and sometimes this makes people think he’s arrogant. He relaxes around his close friends and the family he’s chosen, becoming a bit more sarcastic but much warmer at the same time. He’s much more obviously caring to those he is close to, even if he sometimes has a hard time expressing it.
At the same time he is very compassionate, though it’s hidden most of the time.
He has no patience with people who pretend to be better or more skilled than they really are, or with people who knowingly cause problems for others. He’s also incredibly sensitive about how people see him. He hates being underestimated or coddled because of his disability, and will call people out for treating him differently.

-He doesn't get along with his birth family at all, and generally avoid them if he can. He feels like he was made to prove his worth as a person before they even really acknowledge his existence, and even then they pretend they supported him the whole time.


-Fai Shi was born into the Xue family, a prominent gem-merchant family. His parent’s were dismayed to realize that their second son wasn’t the perfect little boy they had imagined - or so Fai Shi himself will bitterly say. Born with a twisted leg, his memories of his early years include a parade of various doctors, herbalists, various medical professionals, and someone he would swear was an exorcist coming by to offer new - often painful - treatments that they thought would help. Although they did offer a bit of relief , and some doctors would come by well into his teens, they were never able to completely correct his leg, which was slightly shorter than the other anyway. He did his best to adjust to using a cane and swiftly started to master it.

-His parents didn’t like to let him leave the house much. He’s never been sure if it was out of caution or because they didn’t want people to be reminded that one of their sons had a handicap. The latter option is the more cynical one he knows, but he can’t shake that it might be true. Still when he was around 12, his parents let him go out for Lantern Rite with his slightly older color Rufen. Although he was excited at first, when Rufen’s friends showed up he found himself struggling to keep up with teenagers that were clearly impatient with him. Although Rufen made them slow down for him at first, eventually she parked him at a food stall, told him to wait there until she got back, then left with her friends.
Fai Shi stayed only long enough to get something to eat before his boredom got the best of him. Realizing that he was going to be there for a long time, he decided to set out on his own. Prove to Rufen that he was fine on his own. He didn’t have a destination, he just wanted to walk around looking at everything. It was a bit overwhelming on his own at first, but he stubbornly continued on. Until he got distracted looking up at some of the lanterns, tripped at the top of a ramp and fell down it. His cane slipped out of his grasp and went clattering over the edge of the pier. He ended up at the bottom of the ramp, dazed and then embarrassed when he realized he had attracted a small crowd.
He was helped up by a boy near his own age called Delun. After some stumbling and being almost to embarrassed to admit that he hadn’t really done anything knew to his leg, he was just always like this, Delun found a place for him to sit. Rufen found them then, scolded both of them impartially, even though Fai Shi protested that Delun hadn’t had anything to do with it, and insisted she was taking him home. Delun found him a stick to use as crutch before he left.
At home, Fai Shi was given a brief scolding, and then taken off to see his scraps seen to while Rufen was taken to task for leaving him alone to get hurt.

-His parents were even more determined to keep him inside. Fai Shi was still shaky about what had happened, but in a strange way being nervous made him determined to get out there again, in order to deal with it and prove he wasn’t scared. Delun actually showed up around that time, finally having figured out who he was and had been curious about who the strange boy he’d met during the Lantern Rite had been doing. Fai Shi was curious about Delun too, and had been wanting to thank him anyway, since he’d been kind of out of it the night of his fall, and didn’t think he had really thanked him properly. Which was very rude. The two ended up walking a bit around Liyue together, and Fai Shi was embarrassed about how slow they ahd to go because of him, but grateful that Delun didn’t say anything.

-Fai Shi’s parents weren’t pleased with his new friend or that he was more insistent on going on. They also seemed to be displeased that Delun’s parents worked around the docks, but despite the occasionally lecture, the displeasure only seemed to make Fai Shi more determined to go out and meet Delun. He ended up spending more time around Delun’s house than his own during his teenage years.

-Fai Shi’s parents, and most of his family didn’t approve of his decision to become an architect either. It was something he wanted with all his heart, but he had go argue with hs family countless times about it. They had a job they already wanted him to take - a clerk with one of their businesses. It was a perfectly safe, steady job. One that anyone, even someone with a handicap like his could do. He always got the sense that they were trying to shove him away into a corner, out of sight, out of mind. Eventually though, he managed to pressure them into go into his chosen career track.

Fai shi quickly became well-know for his building designs. They were solid, comfortable and yet elegant at the same time. Suddenly his family, who had barely even given him the time of day were so proud of him. They constantly praised him, and seemed to treat him like his handicap was in someway made up for by his success. If you listened to them then it was like they had seen his potential from the start and always supported him. Fai Shi soon grew tired of it.

He first meet Bran after he put in a commission at the Adventure’s Guild because the construction site for a building he had designed was outside city limits, and had suddenly developed a plague of monsters. The Millelith weren’t taking it seriously enough for him so he turned to the Adventures for help. Bran was the one that was given the commission, and Fai Shi insisted on going with him to the construction site to see how much damage had actually been done to the half-finished building.
What followed is something Fai Shi would call ‘an adventure’ and Bran would call ‘the best laugh I had in years’. It involved Fai Shi getting into a one-sided argument with a hilichurl, accidently panic dropping a crate on samachurl, and Bran laughing so hard he nearly got cut in two. Bran also discovered the Ruin Guard that had driven the monsters into the construction site, and Fai Shi would admit that watching Bran take care of it was actually rather satisfying to watch.
Bran went back with Fai Shi to fully survey the buildings, staying around to make sure that nothing more was going to turn up, and asking Fai Shi a few intelligent questions. He also insisted on walking the architect back to his house in the end, something that irritated Fai Shi a little because he thought Bran was taking pity on him and thinking he couldn’t get home on his own.
Delun is the one who figure out that Bran had probably been doing it to spend just a little more time with Fai Shi.

It also took Fai Shi a bit more a year to figure out that Bran was stopping by so often to flirt with him, and that he was actually very concerned with what Bran thought of him.

His family did Not Approve of his relationship with Bran, or even Bran in general since he was just an Adventurer with a vague past. Fai Shi, very annoyed by this, decided to just ignore their displeasure and keep doing what he wanted - he was successful enough that it didn’t matter to him.
His family was still annoyed when he married Bran without their express approval. They had been dragging their feet about it, and he made it very clear that he was doing to do what he wanted anyway.

He eventually designed and had built a house on the outskirts of Liyue harbor, where he lived with Bran and occasionally a couple close friends. He eventually took on young apprentice who was like a daughter to him and Bran. She and her younger brother ended up living with them as well.

Fai Shi decided as he got older that he didn’t want to be buried with the rest of his family, since he felt no attachment to most of them, and didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of trying to claim they cared so much about him when they had made him prove himself worthy of even being considered normal around them. Plus, he knew the truth about his husband Bran and that Bran wouldn’t be buried with him. So he arranged for Wangshen Funeral Parlor to see him buried on a hill overlooking Liyue Harbor with a very nice view. He and Bran had been there often. Bran agreed to make sure that his last wishes were carried out.




Bran is Fai Shi’s husband, and one of the people he loves most in the world. It was something that neither of them really expected to happen but Fai Shi is glad it did. He wasn’t really sure what to make of the attention Bran was paying him at first, or trust that he wasn’t just doing it to be nice to the man who had a limp. It actually took over a year and Bran being very blunt about it before Fai realized Bran was interested romantically.
Fai Shi love the fact that Bran will be considerate about his disability but not treat him like he’s fragile because of it. He trusts that Fai Shi knows his own limits - something that far to few people in his life do. He’s also been an anchor for Bran at times, when Bran is particularly exhausted or caught up in old memories. They try their best to support each other as best they can.
They’ve been known to tease each other playfully in public. Fai Shi is very good at innuendo, but Bran is the one who’s more openly affectionate and that flustered Fai Shi. Even after they’re married he’s still caught off guard by the open, honest affection Bran gives him sometimes.

Best Friends


Fai Shi’s best friend/business partner/wingman/basically brother. A thug with a heart of gold that is a hopeless romantic and bad luck with relationship. They’ve known each other since they were pretty young, and they’re close after all that. Fai She designs the buildings, Delun sees them built. Although he comes across as a corser person than Fai Shi, and people are surprised they get along so well with how different they are. Fai Shi trusts Delun completely, and is closer to his friend’s family than his own. Fai has been known to get outright offended on Delun’s behalf if people wonder if he only works with him because they are friends, since Fai knows Delun is skilled.



Rufen is Fai Shi’s elder cousin and one of the family members he sees the most of - though not by his own choice. She just keeps inserting herself into his life.
Fai Shi is sure that she deeply dislikes him and is keeping track of him because the family sent her to spy on him. Rufen would actually be very hurt by that. She actually cares about Fai Shi deeply- it can just be a very selfish sort of ‘care’ because she doesn’t understand the issues that he has with the family.
She was one of the family’s golden children - she liked the role the family had given her in their business, was perfectly comfortable in her life, and met every expectionation flawlessly. She can’t understand why Fai Shi was fighting so hard against the job the family wanted him to do. A job as a clerk was perfectly respectable and comfortable. The family was just trying to take care of him...why couldn’t he see that? She was one of the family members who argued against Fai Shi trying to become an architect because she didn’t want to see him hurt when he failed.
That Fai Shi resented that she just assumed he would fail is lost on her.
She seems to have appointed herself Fai Shi’s guardian in a way, ignoring his own opinions because she thinks she knows better than he does. It’s an arrogance that Fai Shi finds incredibly insulting. She can be very pushy about try to ‘keep the peace’ between Fai and thier family though as he keeps telling her, he never asked her to do that.
Because she can’t really understand where Fai Shi is coming from however, she tends to try and blame his dissatisfaction on the influence of other people. First it was Delun - she was convinced he was feeding ideas into his head. Then it was Bran, who she gratefully disapproves of anyway, who was trying to make Fai Shi pull away from this family.
But then she was also one of the people who were completely against him marrying Bran and Fai Shi just gets tired of her continual disapproval.

Little Sister


Liqiu is Fai Shi’s much younger spoiled brat of a little sister. Born when he was a teenager and just starting to really defy his parents, he always had the feeling that she was supposed to be a replacement for the child that wasn’t living to him. It’s made it hard to form a relationship with her even without everything else. Fai Shi even overheard his parents telling each other ‘Well at least she’s normal’ after Liqiu was born, which colored how he viewed his sister for years.
Because her parents were busy dealing with Fai Shi, Liqiu was basically given everything she wanted in order to keep her quiet. So she grew up spoiled, demanding, and sure she would get her own way if she yelled loud enough. By the time her parents realized what had happened, they weren’t sure what to do with her.
She technically works for the family business - she has a similar job they wanted to get Fai Shi. She might even be good at if - if she would ever show up. In reality Liqiu is restless, annoyed and completely dissatisfied with where she is and the life the family expects her to have - but doesn’t understand why or even explain it. So she just ends up frustrated in general because she doesn’t know what she wants to really do.
Fai Shi doesn’t interact with Liqiu much, and when he does it’s generally awkward - until Liqiu starts mocking him or trying to pick a fight with him out of frustration. Because while he doesn’t think about her a lot, Liqiu ends up thinking about Fai Shi a lot...and feeling jealous of him.
She grew up hearing about how talented and amazing and intelligent her brother was. She was so young when he was arguing with their parents, and didn’t realize or understand what was happening. As a consequence she buys into the family myth that they had recognized his talent from a young age and had supported him the whole time. She feels overshadowed, and like nothing she could do could possibly match up with a genius. She also has no passion for anything because she hasn’t been given the freedom to look much outside of what the family expected. The respect Fai Shi has gathered is something that she is jealous of, but nothing she can get on her own. Some part of her has realized that she has nothing outside of her family name and money, and she hates it. She just hasn’t really acknowledged it or accepted she needs to change.
After one particular incident where she started to overstep a little too much, Bran went full on Dad Mode at her and lectured her. She’s resented him for that since.
Bran has also started to wonder if some part of her constant antagonising of her bother is an attempt to get him to notice her or acknowledge her in some way.


-Fai Shi actually thinks he designed his house to be a little too big. He’s realized that subconsciously he might have been trying to impress his family and he really has no use for as much space as he has. That’s why he has no problems inviting people like his apprentices or Delun to move into it.
-If Fai Shi had a Vision it would be Geo
-In an AU where he gets a Vision, Fai Shi gets it later in life while protecting his children apprentice and her younger brother from some hilichurl they accidentally stumble upon while looking over a building site.

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