


6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Aurora Borlis


Cyclops- Giant type




Looks to be 17 but is really 1,700 years old






515 lbs. (healthy for her height)

Body Type/Features

Curvy, Toned, She's Very Strong but Not Muscular, Long Nails, Star Pattern on Cheeks and Skin (part of being from the lunar tribe), Ombre Blue-Green Eye, Horns leak a blue-dark blue-black blood, Skin is Very Thick/Tough


Student, Runs Errands for People on the Weekends, Works at So Sweet It's Scary (maid cafe)


Talking with others, Nature/Animals, Reading, Cooking, Ice Cream, Singing, Making Other People Smile, Dressing Up.


When people are scared of her, being asked about her past, gym class, anything that is inflated because her nails might pop it, how easily clothes tear, people that make others cry.


The blue-black blood leaking out of her horns can be used for magic. All she has to do is get some on her finger and imagine what she wants it to do, the more she has, the more powerful it is. The blood is a mixture of her blood, as well as her own tainted blood, which became tainted after the invasion of her planet. The tainted blood is full of hate and sorrow. Before this mixture happened, her horns would only leak her clean blood (blue) and she could only use it for good magic. She usually covers her horns with bandages for school. She is also very strong, she can throw an object up to 79,200 feet, that's 15 miles. She can break through pretty much anything and can run anywhere in the world within 2 hours. Her powers become even stronger at night due to the fact that she is of the lunar tribe.


PersonalityAurora is a very shy girl, It took her a long time to make friends. When she is around her friends, she can really be herself. She loves making people happy, it makes her feel good about herself. She will do just about anything for anyone if it makes them smile. She cares about everyone she meets, and remembers all of their names and faces even if she only met them once. It doesn't matter to her if they bully her or are nice to her, she doesn't want to see them get hurt. She keeps all her negative emotions to herself so she doesn't bring anyone down. She thinks very low of herself. She blames herself for the deaths of her family and friends on her home planet, she believes she could've done something to save them.

Back Story- There was once a time where humans, cyclops, orcs, elves, etc. all lived on the same planet peacefully, that was the year 67. Back then, the "monsters" ruled the earth. The humans grew tired and conspired against the monsters. They started by making traps to catch them and kill them, but the monsters caught on pretty quick, some ignored it while others retaliated. One day, a meteor big enough to kill everyone was heading straight for earth. It was so big you could see it without using anything to magnify it. All of the monsters fled from earth, as well as some humans. Other humans stayed behind to pray, or hide underground with animals and plants. The meteor hit earth shortly after, killing almost everything. It was decided that each species would get their own planet, unless an agreement was made to share. Everything was going swell for about 50 years until the newly formed Government on earth decided to attack the planet Orcazra in the year 117. Orcazra is the planet home to the Orcs. The humans came to the conclusion that the Orcs were the most violent and fled first, so they must've been responsible for the meteor. As the Humans were blowing up Orcazra, some of the Orcs were able to flee to the next closest planet, Ocularis, home to the Cyclops tribes. In a pit of rage, the Orcs started killing any Cyclops in sight. 

Aurora and her family were of royal blood, they belonged to the Lunar Tribe, the highest ranked. When word got out of the attack, Aurora's father left to battle the Orcs, and Aurora was told to leave with Frederick, a trusted human. Aurora was only 8 cyclops years old (800 human years). Her mother had a power to heal people and calm a person's mind. She promised Aurora everything would be fine, her sister would be leaving in a separate shuttle, and would meet her on Earth along with the rest of her family. Aurora was then shoved into the shuttle by her mother, and her mother ordered Frederick to take off. Aurora watched from the Window as her mother was attacked and then taken prisoner and her sister's shuttle was destroyed. Things became blurry as the shuttle got further away, so she couldn't see what happened next. Aurora cried the whole ride to earth, some of the blood coming out of her horns began to turn a darker blue and some turned black. Aurora ended up passing out from exhaustion. Due to leaving in such a hurry, they forgot to grab an extra can of gas for the shuttle. The shuttle ran out as they were coming into earth's orbit, causing them to crash land. Aurora woke up to Frederick severely injured, so Aurora set out to find help. 

As she went from town to town, humans threw rocks at her, screamed at her, and ran from her. She cried, and cried, and eventually forgot about why she was walking around in the first place. She came into a small town where a kind woman asked her if she was lost. Scared, Aurora attempted to hide behind a tree, she was almost 7 feet tall at the time, the woman introduced herself (Susan) and then walked off to get food for Aurora. The woman brought Aurora food and water multiple times a day for about a week until Aurora trusted her. Susan introduced Aurora to her husband Jeremy, and daughter Madeline. Jeremy rebuilt the entire house so Aurora could live in it for as long as she would like, no matter how tall she is. It took him 5 human years to finish it. Susan enrolled Aurora in School, Aurora got sent to the office many times for having torn clothing (due to her nails which are extremely sharp). Due to being bullied, Aurora got into many fights and had to switch schools often. Many years passed and Susan, Jeremy, and Madeline, and Madeline's children passed away, all of old age, Aurora was 10 in cyclops years, 1000 in human years. Aurora continued going to school and living in that house. Everyone in the community loved Aurora, so as the world built up, they re-built her house so it would last longer and re-built the schools so she could actually be in the classroom instead of learning from outside the window.

Ongoing Story-WIP- It is the year 967. 900 years have passed since Aurora was separated from her family and came back to earth. Aurora's 17th cyclops birthday has just passed, she is now 1,700 human years old. She has made many friends of many different species over the years. As word got out that Earth was friendly towards other species again, people started coming to earth from the different planets in hopes to live there again. Rumors of another Cyclops on earth have come up, but Aurora ignores them because there are many cruel people in the world, and no matter how long she has been on Earth, and how many good deeds she may have done, people still bully her. She is working at a maid cafe, dedicated to helping humans interact with other species, along with some of her friends. Both Humans and "Monsters" can work at this maid cafe. Aurora came up with the idea and named the cafe "So Sweet It's Scary".