


2 years, 10 months ago


Jukou Shin



Arcana: Priestess
Persona: Benzaiten/[TBA] (Ultimate)
Skills theme: Bless, Healing / Defense debuffs
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: July 15
Height: 160 cm
Romantic/sexual orientation: Hetero
Relationship status: Single
"Job": 2nd year highschool student
Nationality: Japanese-Korean
MBTI: ENFP ("The Campaigner")

"Look within yourself and let your inner voice speak."


A spiritual girl who claims to be totally in tune with her inner voice, but lets her actions be controlled by astrology and (ironically) tarot against her better judgment.

Story (WIP)

Shortly after Tomomi and Mitsuaki begin their search for the other Arcana, Jukou approaches them claiming her horoscope told her that "mighty powers are awakening, and someone close to you knows their full extent". When asked how she knew it was them it was talking about however, she admits it was only because she overheard them talking about the shadow world. After proving that she's one of the people they are looking for, she joins the team as their resident tarot expert (read: walking exposition dump).


Name Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Vivamus at metus posuere neque varius pharetra sed a nunc.

Name Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit. Donec suscipit metus vitae lacus lacinia dignissim sit amet metus tincidunt.

Name Praesent sit amet rhoncus leo, quis venenatis nulla. In velit nulla, sollicitudin ac posuere vitae, hendrerit sit amet ante. Vestibulum felis felis, feugiat eu mauris et, bibendum molestie ligula. Cras ultrices malesuada enim ac eleifend. Praesent ligula ante. Duis porta nisi eu malesuada dignissim.

Persona Base Stats








[ - ][ - ][ - ][ - ][ - ][ - ][ - ][ Str ][ Str ][ Wk ][ - ]
List of Skills [WIP]
SkewerDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe. [Innate]
MediaSlightly restores party's HP. [Innate]
HamaSmall chance of instantly killing 1 foe. [Lv 8]
RakukajaIncrease 1 ally's Defense power for 3 turns. [Lv 11]
Muzzle ShotDeals light Phys damage to 1 foe with a chance of Silence. [Lv 14]
Soul BreakExhausts 1 foe. [Lv 18]
DiaramaModerately restores 1 ally's HP. [Lv 21]
RakundaDecreases 1 foe's Defense for 3 turns. [Lv 25]
Invigorate 1Restore 3% of max SP each turn in battle. [Lv 28]
MediaramaModerately restores party's HP. [Lv 32]
HamaonMedium chance of instantly killing one foe. [Lv 36]
Auto-SukukajaAutomatic Sukukaja at the start of battle. [Lv 40]
MarakundaDecreases all foes' Defense for 3 turns. [Lv 44]
Invigorate 2Restore 5% of max SP each turn in battle. [Lv 46]
Hama BoostIncrease success rate of instant death by Bless skills. [Lv 50]
Endure DarkAutomatically survive instant death 1 time from a Darkness attack with 1 HP. [Lv 50]
TetrajaErect shields on party to nullify one instant death attack of Bless or Curse types. [Lv 55]


The Priestess depicts its titular figure in-between two contrasting pillars which represent the duality of nature, with her being the mediator between them that learns from both sides. Upright it means intuition, the inner voice, spirituality, and higher powers; Reversed it is repressed intuition, hidden motives, confusion, and cognitive dissonance.

Benzaiten is a Japanese Buddhist goddess who originated from the Hindu goddess Saraswati who was worshiped as the personification of wisdom in the Tokugawa period. She is also known in Shinto as Ichikishima-hime-no-mikoto, one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

● Jukou's name is made from the kanji for "longevity, long life" combined with "peace", fitting for a healer type character who dislikes conflict.

● Vivamus at metus posuere neque varius pharetra sed a nunc.

● Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non interdum eu.

profile html by Hukiolukio