Spritz's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

necroromancer Global Rules

I don't have a set TOS yet but here are the basic ground rules:

Minor edits to my art and designs may be made without the need for my permission. Need to add a background or give it transparency? Go for it. Want to change some colors or add/remove a few smaller accessories or traits? You got it, you don't need to wait around for my approval for those. Major changes are best inquired about, as I might be able to do the changes for you to ensure the quality of the image is retained. Tracing directly over an image is not allowed under any circumstances. I am more lenient towards referencing, however.

Don't white-wash designs that are POC, or make dramatic decreases in weight to a heavy-set design. Other major and noticeable body type changes (including darkening the complexion of a design, dramatic increases in weight, increasing/decreasing muscle mass or bust size, complete overhauls of a design's external presentation — ex. dramatically feminizing a masculine-presenting design, the changing of leg types — ex. changing humanoid legs to ones with paws or hooves) are still allowed as long as the updated design resembles the original version by at least 80%, but I would greatly prefer to be reached out to in these kinds of cases.

My designs can be converted into closed species entries as long as the conversion follows the guidelines I have listed above. Again, I would prefer to be contacted in these cases, but my direct permission isn't necessary. If contacted, I may even be willing to help with the conversion for a small fee.

Don't use my designs for anything flagrantly offensive or morally reprehensible: If you have to question if it's something that I'd be opposed to then you're already on thin ice. You should be able to gauge what values I have based off of the content I put out or engage with, but when in doubt, ask for clarification. Let's be adults about this.

Users under 18 years of age may not use my designs for NSFW contexts in any fashion, and I would strongly prefer my designs not be transferred to minors at all. If a design is exchanged to a minor then it must be completely devoid of any previous 18+ lore, RP logs, artwork, etc. and the minor now in possession of the design is prohibited from creating their own NSFW content while it's under their ownership until they are of age. None of my designs may be used in the context of being aged as minors.

Designs acquired via means involving USD (via purchase from me or resale from another user) may be sold for the base price + commissioned artworkDesigns acquired via trades or gifts may only be traded, or preferably sold only for the price of art commissioned by the current user. If the current owner wishes to factor in the cost of their personal artwork to a design's resale value, the art must be at the very least monochrome colored and visually comprehensive sketches, and the seller's commission prices must be easy to find for a potential buyer to crosscheck the added value. Low effort doodles and unreadable sketches cannot be factored into the worth of a character.