Knoxx Hendrix



2 years, 10 months ago


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Knoxx Hendrix

Called Knoxx

Gender Male

Pronouns he/him

Age 35

Race Cyclops

Role Bounty Hunter

Theme Midnight Rider - Allman Brothers Band

Voice Claim Erron Black - Mortal Kombat

HTML Pinky


Knoxx Hendrix, a 35 year old Cyclops Werewolf hybrid, is a skilled bounty hunter specializing in hunting vampires. Aloof by nature, he prefers solitude and avoids forming connections with people due to his nomadic lifestyle. Knoxx's detachment stems from the pain and loss he has experienced throughout his life.

Knoxx's intense hatred for vampires is rooted in a personal tragedy, as his younger brother was killed by one. Determined to avenge his brother's death, Knoxx embarks on a journey as a bounty hunter and vampire slayer, honing his skills and gaining years of experience. He now travels from town to town, taking on bounties while keeping a low profile.


Height 6'4"


Eyes Gold with flecks of Orange

Skin Tone Lightly tan

Hair Color Brown

Hair Style Sometimes slicked back, but often down and messy

Demeanor Rugged


  • Has a scar going over his eye.
  • Sometimes has wolf ears/tail
  • Loves leather jackets, wears them often.
  • Has claws.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

At the surface, Knoxx exudes an aura of aloofness and prefers to keep to himself, avoiding unnecessary interactions with others unless it pertains to business. This inherent detachment stems from his nomadic lifestyle as a bounty hunter, constantly on the move and never staying in one place for long. He has learned to detach himself from emotional connections, fearing the pain and loss that they may bring.

Despite his overall reserved nature, there is an underlying softness to Knoxx's character. He possesses a fondness for more intimate encounters, seeking solace and temporary pleasure in others during the short periods he spends in towns. He is often known as a casanova, leaving behind a reputation of having had numerous men and women in his bed during his time travelling. However, the idea of settling down or forming deeper connections with others unnerves him, as he has witnessed the tragic consequences of attachment firsthand.


The sound of rain on a tin roof

Hearing raindrops patter against a tin roof brings a sense of comfort and nostalgia to Knoxx. It creates a soothing ambience that helps him unwind after a long day of hunting.

Home-cooked meals

Although his transient lifestyle rarely allows for the luxury of a home-cooked meal, when Knoxx finds himself in a situation where he can savor the taste of a hearty dish prepared with love, it brings him a momentary sense of warmth and belonging.

Black Coffee

Knoxx's days often start with a strong cup of black coffee, fueling him for the challenges ahead. The bitter taste of the dark brew invigorates his senses, sharpening his focus and preparing him for the battles that lie ahead.

His Scythe

The comforting weight of his trusted weapons bring him a reminder of the power and control he possesses in a world filled with many threats.


Losing a bounty/target

As a skilled bounty hunter, Knoxx prides himself on his ability to track down and capture his targets. It frustrates him to no end when a bounty slips through his fingers. It feels like a personal failure and a dent to his professional reputation.

His Werewolf heritage

Knoxx despises the fact that he carries the bloodline of werewolves within him. He considers them just as dangerous and destructive as vampires.


Knoxx has developed a strong aversion to any form of romantic or flirtatious advances. His past experiences have made him wary of forming emotional connections, especially ones that may lead to heartbreak or loss

Vampires (obviously)

Having witnessed the devastating impact of vampires firsthand, Knoxx harbors a deep-seated hatred for these bloodsucking creatures. He despises everything about them— their immortality, their ability to manipulate and deceive, and most of all, their insatiable thirst for innocent lives.



Dancing (hobby)

Despite his reserved nature, Knoxx has a secret love for dancing. Whenever he visits a local town with a lively dance scene, he can't resist joining in for a few songs, letting loose and embracing the rhythm.

Animal Mimicry (quirk)

Knoxx has an uncanny ability to mimic various animal sounds, thanks to his hybrid nature. This skill often comes in handy during his hunts, allowing him to lure unsuspecting prey or create diversions when needed.

Meticulous Grooming (habit)

Despite his rugged lifestyle, Knoxx takes great care in his personal appearance. His clothing is always neatly pressed and his boots polished, projecting an air of professionalism even in the most remote and dangerous locations.

Constant Observance (habit)

Due to his line of work, Knoxx has developed a habit of constantly scanning his surroundings, ever vigilant for signs of danger or potential targets.

Knoxx's Story


Growing up on his family's farm, Knoxx found solace in the simplicity of tending to cattle and gardening. From dawn till dusk, he would work diligently, taking great care to ensure the well-being of the animals and the lushness of the crops alongside his mother. The sprawling fields and fragrant orchards were his playground, where he would frolic and explore with his little brother, Wren, by his side.

Knoxx took his responsibilities seriously, taking pride in caring for the animals and ensuring their well-being. As the sun would set on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the land, Knoxx and Wren would return home. Together, they would gather around their mother, sharing stories and laughter while she prepared a hearty meal. The farmhouse resonated with warmth and familial love, with Knoxx and Wren cherishing every moment spent with their doting mother. It was during these blissful days that Knoxx's true character began to take shape. He displayed a sense of responsibility and compassion beyond his years, always looking after Wren and helping his mother with the daily chores. Knoxx had a soft spot for his family and the village, his heart overflowing with a deep love for them.

Knoxx's world expanded when he encountered Tom, a jovial and adventurous spirit, in the bustling village nearby. They became fast friends, embarking on thrilling adventures and sharing secrets under the starlit sky. Tom's infectious laughter and carefree nature brought out a different side of Knoxx, allowing him to momentarily let go of his aloofness and revel in the simple joys of friendship. Throughout their childhood, the bond between Knoxx and Tom grew stronger, becoming an unbreakable thread woven into their lives. They were inseparable, spending countless hours together, discovering hidden treasures, and forging memories that would last a lifetime. Tom's presence provided Knoxx with a sense of belonging, an anchor in a world that often felt uncertain. Their shared adventures brought them closer, as they explored the outskirts of the village, climbed trees, and splashed in the nearby creek. Knoxx would eagerly await the sound of Tom's laughter, as it signaled another day of excitement and exploration. All while Knoxx thrived on the farm and in the company of his loved ones, he was yet to discover the dormant power within him.

Discovering his Werewolf DNA.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the farm, Knoxx's heart raced with worry. One of the lambs had wandered off into the dense woods surrounding their property, and an ominous feeling crept over him. Unable to bear the thought of harm coming to the helpless creature, he followed the lamb's faint bleats, his legs propelling him deeper into the forest. The woods grew eerily quiet, the rustling leaves and chirping birds now absent. Knoxx's senses heightened as he felt an inexplicable presence lurking in the darkness. Fear gripped his heart, but his determination to save the lamb fueled his courage. Suddenly, he discovered the small, trembling creature trapped in a thicket, its soft eyes reflecting a mix of fear and trust. But as Knoxx reached out to free the lamb, an unnatural growl filled the air, freezing him in his tracks.

He turned to face a pair of glowing, yellow eyes surrounded by a monstrous silhouette. It was a massive wolf, its fur as dark as the night itself. Trembling, Knoxx realized with horror that the wolf stood on two legs, peartl white fangs glinting in the moonlight. Paralyzed by fear, Knoxx could only watch as the werewolf lunged towards him, its claws slashing through the air. In a desperate attempt to protect himself and the lamb, Knoxx's instincts took over. His body convulsed, bones cracking and reshaping, as he transformed into a fearsome creature, a Cyclops Werewolf hybrid. With newfound strength and ferocity, Knoxx fought with every ounce of his being. Claws clashed, teeth gnashed, and the woods echoed with their battle cries. The moon bore witness to his transformation, casting an ethereal glow on the epic struggle.

Eventually, Knoxx managed to overpower the werewolf, his immense power coupled with his unwavering love for the lamb driving him forward, but victory came at a cost. As Knoxx emerged triumphant, a deep gash tore across his face, leaving a permanent scar over his eye. Exhausted and shaken, he reverted to his human form, trembling with a mix of awe and terror. The lamb nestled against him, now safe from harm.

From that day forward, Knoxx carried the weight of his secret. Ashamed and terrified of the beast within, he vowed to keep his true nature hidden from the world. The scar across his eye served as a constant reminder of the price he paid to protect those he loved. Knoxx swore to himself that he would control his transformation and use his newfound abilities to protect others from the supernatural forces that threatened their lives. With a heavy heart and a burdened soul, Knoxx continued his life on the farm, concealing his true identity from his mother, brother, and even his closest friend, Tom. The world outside remained oblivious to his inner struggle, as Knoxx navigated the dual existence of a young werewolf, longing for acceptance and fearing the consequences of revealing his secret.

The Death of Wren.

The ominous shadows danced upon the sleepy village as nightfall shrouded the landscape. Knoxx, exhausted from his day's work on the farm, tucked his brother Wren into bed, his voice softly humming a lullaby their mother used to sing. He kissed Wren's forehead, promising to protect him from any harm that might come their way. As Knoxx made his way back outside, the air turned icy, sending a chill down his spine. A piercing screech cut through the silence, causing his heart to skip a beat. His instincts screamed danger. He rushed towards the source of the commotion, fear tightening its grip around his heart.

With each step, his pulse quickened, amplifying the pounding in his ears. Suddenly, his eyes fell upon the pig pen, its door ominously hanging open. His breath hitched in his throat as he approached, the stench of death filling the air. A lifeless pig lay sprawled at the entrance, its body drained of blood. It was an eerie sight, causing dread to sink deep within Knoxx's bones. But it was the sound of his brother's anguished scream that shattered his world. Knoxx's heart leaped into his throat as he sprinted towards the house, dread gnawing at his every step. His mind raced, praying that what his eyes were about to witness was nothing more than a horrific nightmare. Yet, as he burst through the door, what he saw would haunt him forever. Wren's lifeless body lay cradled in the arms of a sinister figure—a vampire, with eyes that glinted with malevolence.

Time stood still as Knoxx's world crumbled around him. The weight of grief and disbelief pressed down upon his chest, threatening to suffocate him. Rage surged within Knoxx, igniting an inferno of vengeance in his soul. His eyes narrowed, locked onto the vampire who dared to take his innocent brother's life. In that moment, a transformation occurred within Knoxx. He shed his innocence, his gentle demeanor giving way to a resolve as unyielding as steel. In the depths of his heartache, Knoxx vowed to avenge his brother's death, his once youthful eye now reflecting a burning determination. With every fiber of his being, he swore to eradicate the vampires that plagued their village, to ensure that no other family would suffer the torment he now endured. From that fateful night, Knoxx embarked on a path that led him away from the comfort of his village, becoming a bounty hunter specializing in hunting vampires. It's rumored now by the village folk that Knoxx was the mysterious murderer who wreaked havoc on their home for so long, his disappearance after Wrens death only heightening their falsely places suspicions.

Current day Knoxx.

In the present day, Knoxx lives a life vastly different from his serene farm days. The once carefree youth has transformed into a brooding and solitary figure, roaming through the shadows of a world teeming with the supernatural. Now at the age of 35, Knoxx is a formidable bounty hunter specializing in hunting vampires—a craft he has honed over years of relentless pursuit and bitter losses. He carries the weight of his past on his shoulders, haunted by the memory of his deceased mother, estranged father, and his beloved brother, whose tragic demise at the hands of a vampire changed the course of his life forever.

Knoxx's aloof demeanor and preference for solitude have become defining characteristics, a shield against the emotional turmoil that lurks within. Scarred by the loss of his family, he keeps others at arm's length, choosing to interact with people only when necessary for his bounties. The pain of attachment and the fear of losing yet another loved one have led him to adopt a transient lifestyle, never staying in one place for long, always leaving behind a trail of rumors and stories of his prowess as a fearless vampire slayer. Despite this, Knoxx finds himself irresistibly drawn to a young woman named Veronica. There is an undeniable connection between them, one that both intrigues and terrifies him. Whenever he returns from his dangerous endeavors, he can't help but seek solace in her presence, finding comfort and a sense of peace that he thought was long lost. Their relationship is a delicate dance, hidden from the prying eyes of Veronica's strict mother. Knoxx cherishes the moments they spend together, teaching her the art of archery to ensure her safety in an unforgiving world. As their bond deepens, he finds his heart growing warm and fluttery, a sensation that both exhilarates and terrifies him.

He battles his own fears and the weight of his past, torn between the desire to protect Veronica from the dangers that lurk in the night and the fear of settling down and being vulnerable once more. Their connection blossoms as a slow burn, each stolen moment filled with unspoken emotions and unfulfilled desires. Knoxx's heart yearns for intimacy and the comfort of a genuine connection, yet the scars of his past and the lurking danger of his profession make him hesitant to fully embrace what he feels. As Knoxx continues his journey, hunting vampires and seeking justice, he grapples with his own conflicting emotions. He finds solace in the arms of Veronica, but the fear of losing her or exposing her to the perils of his world keeps him at a distance. Their relationship remains a secret, tucked away from prying eyes, but the undeniable chemistry between them lingers in the air, waiting for the right moment to ignite into something more profound.

Knoxx's occupation as a bounty hunter feeds his insatiable thirst for vengeance. He invests his time and skills in tracking down and eliminating the supernatural creatures that haunt his nightmares. His expertise in vampire hunting has earned him a well-deserved reputation among those who share his dangerous world. Knoxx's pursuit of bounties and vampire slaying takes him from town to town, bar to bar, as he gathers information, hones his skills, and indulges in the adrenaline rush that accompanies each confrontation with the undead. However, Knoxx's life is not without its share of challenges and frustrations. He despises vampires with a burning intensity, their existence a constant reminder of the night that shattered his family. Being flirted with only serves as a painful reminder of the fleeting connections he once had and lost. The sting of losing a bounty or having a target slip through his fingers fuels his determination, propelling him forward with an unwavering resolve. And let's not forget the perpetual annoyance of being underpaid for his dangerous and demanding line of work, a fact that grates on his nerves and fuels his relentless pursuit of justice.

In his quest for salvation and redemption, Knoxx remains haunted by his past, forever chasing the elusive dream of avenging his brother's tragic end. His journey is a perpetual struggle between the darkness within him and the flickering flame of hope that refuses to be extinguished. As he continues to travel from town to town, navigating the treacherous underbelly of the supernatural realm, Knoxx must confront his own fears, wrestle with his inner demons, and ultimately decide whether he can find solace in his chosen path or if there is a chance for him to find peace and perhaps even love in a world teetering on the edge of darkness.






Close "friend"

his relationship with Veronica is a story of longing, cherished moments, and a constant struggle against his own fears. The connection between them is undeniable, an invisible thread that seems to pull them together despite the dangers that surround them. Whenever he returns from his perilous hunts, exhausted and battle-worn, he finds solace in the tender embrace of Veronica. There, in her arms, he feels a sense of peace that is both comforting and terrifying. The way Veronica looks at him with her mesmerizing eyes, filled with admiration and trust, melts the icy exterior he has cultivated. He sees in her a purity and innocence that contrasts sharply with the darkness he battles, and it both enthralls and frightens him. He cherishes the stolen moments they share, treasuring each touch, each stolen kiss, as if they were fragile gems that might shatter at any moment. As their relationship deepens, Knoxx finds himself yearning for more—a future where they can openly acknowledge their love, free from the shadows that haunt their existence. However, Knoxx's traumas and the lurking dangers that come with his profession cast a dark shadow over their blossoming romance.




Once inseparable, their childhood filled with laughter and camaraderie, the vampire's curse shattered their idyllic existence, leaving Knoxx with a gaping void in his heart and an insatiable thirst for vengeance. Despite the pain and anger that consumes him, Knoxx cannot deny the lingering love he harbors for his brother. He remembers Wren's infectious smile, his unwavering admiration, and the dreams they once wove together under starlit skies. The realization that Wren still exists, albeit in a form he despises, ignites a tempest of emotions within Knoxx. He is torn between the desire to embrace his brother and the revulsion he feels towards the creature Wren has become. Every encounter with Wren is a painful reminder of the tragedy that tore their family apart. Knoxx struggles to reconcile the brother he once knew with the "monster" that now walks the earth, craving blood and perpetuating the suffering he has sworn to eradicate. The complexity of their relationship is further compounded by Knoxx's guilt and self-reproach. He cannot shake the feeling that he failed Wren, that if he had been stronger, faster, or more vigilant, he could have prevented his brother's fate. These emotions weigh heavily upon him, fueling his determination to destroy the vampire that Wren has become, yet dreading the finality of such an act. Knoxx finds himself trapped in a cycle of hatred and longing. He yearns for the solace of reuniting with his brother, but the fear of betrayal and the potential danger Wren poses to others keeps him at bay. He grapples with the realization that the Wren he once knew is gone, replaced by an entity that is both familiar and utterly foreign. Yet, amidst the turmoil, Knoxx cannot deny the glimmer of hope that flickers within him. He clings to the belief that there may be a way to save Wren, to break the curse that binds him to the darkness.




Initially, he saw the young runaway prince as nothing more than a nuisance, an unwanted tagalong who disrupted his solitary existence. Michel's brashness and privileged upbringing grated on Knoxx's nerves, and he often found himself sending the boy on fetch quests or easy missions just to get him out of his hair. However, as time went on, Knoxx began to see a spark of potential in Michel. Despite his initial annoyance, he recognized that the young man possessed a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge. Knoxx found himself reluctantly drawn to Michel's eagerness to learn and his unwavering determination, even in the face of danger. Eventually, Knoxx's feelings toward Michel evolved from annoyance to grudging respect. He began to see the prince as a younger brother, albeit one who could be exasperating at times. While Knoxx still maintained his aloof demeanor and tried to keep Michel at arm's length, he found himself genuinely caring for Michel's well-being. Knoxx took it upon himself to train Michel in the art of vampire hunting. He taught him the skills he had honed over years of experience, from tracking and stealth to combat and survival techniques. Despite Michel's occasional bratty behavior, Knoxx recognized his potential and saw a glimpse of the man he could become. As their bond grew stronger, Knoxx began to feel a sense of protectiveness toward Michel. He saw in him the same vulnerability and pain he had experienced in his own life.