Barnaby Lafbringer



2 years, 9 months ago



  • Half-Elf
  • 64 years old
  • Queer, Polyamorous, Cis man, He/Him
  • Bard, dulcimer as main instrument, also knows how to play the drums, pan flute, and shawm, but is a quick learner when it comes to instruments
  • 5'6"
  • Nicknames are Bea, Barnie, and Barnababe by Ignis Curre
  • Dark brown skin, with box braids adorned with hair beads that go down to his shoulder blades
  • His left eye is blue and his right is hazel
  • Freckles covering his entire body
  • Bottom lip pierced in the middle, nose ring on his left nostril, left eyebrow pierced, and so very, very many ear piercings
  • His bottom lip is scarred on the left
Typical Clothing
  • Shirt is almost always open an absurd amount
  • Baggy pants, think balloon fit pants, usually tucked into his heeled leather boots
  • Wears a lot of brighter earth tones and jewel tones, favorite colors are a purple taupe and keppel, a greenish color
  • Very, very caring
  • Jovial bundle of energy, definingly has ADHD
  • Cannot sit still to save his life
  • Loves making people smile and entertaining
  • Openly flirts with everyone
  • Great at helping people with their serious problems, not so much his own at all, ignores his own problems
  • Very charming
  • "Do you dare me to eat this bug?" "What? No!" *proceeds to eat the bug*

Barnaby ran across Ignis Curre while travelling on the road, and they very quickly fell in love. The couple were absolutely perfect for each other, but they still ended up separating. It is known that he is still playing impromptu shows in bars and inns.