


9 years, 4 months ago


Z a k a r z i

Male | 28 yo | 180cm | 63kg | Race: Petty human | Hair  Color: Black (teal/brown/white) | Eye  Color: Pale Blue | Skin: Pale | Occupation: Grave Robber


P e r s o n a l i t y


sassy,  selfish,  treacherous,  resourceful,  cunning,  immoral,  cruel,  unsympathetic,  lousy,  superstitious,  rakish,  risky

T r i v i a

* Ambidextrous
* Cut his little finger of the right hand in attempt to perform the ritual which suppose to extend his life. Didn't work.
* Has two circular tattoos on the top of both of his hands, one of them symbolizing sun, another one moon. They were performed by a traveling shaman and suppose to provide him better control over his hands. Doubtfully they have any influence on Zakarzi's abilities, but he strongly believes that they do.
* Though most of the jewelry he's wearing is painted metal and cheap colorful glass and in no way he feels attached to any of these things, he wears one ring which he never takes off and which suppose to extend his life for 1 second for every day he wears it. Though it's most probably only a scam, there is no way he can prove it and it's better to be safe than sorry
* Most of the things he's wearing are stuff stolen from graves
* Has a really good eye, especially for shiny things
* Smells slightly frowsty and dusty
* Probably has fleas
* Has three beauty spots on the right from his mouth
* Believes that women are way more dangerous than men, avoid getting involved in any kind of serious business with women as much as he can
* Knows how to read just enough to understand context, though reading longer texts takes him a lot of time and requires lots of his focus
* If someone will ever tell  you that orc's semen will make you forever young and beautiful, just-- don't try it. It's really not worth it