


6 years, 9 months ago


01 — Profile

Name Quinn Clark
Nicknames Quinny
Age 21
Gender Female
Height 164cm
Birthdate 15 October ♎︎︎
Species Angel (formerly human)
Ethnicity Irish, Swedish, French, German
Blood type A+
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Assistant, med trainee

Status Alive | Crushing / Single
Designer Sealkitty
Worth My soul (+$12 usd)

Timid Confident
Ignorant Intelligent
Spiteful Kind
Impulsive Calm
Logical Creative
Serious Playful
02 — Personality

Caring . Friendly . Creative . Dedicated . Clever . Emotional . Clingy . Possessive . Blunt

Quinn is a hard-working and creative individual with a great imagination. She is caring and empathetic towards others and does whatever she can to keep everyone happy.

Unfortunately, she has a tendency to be too kind and approval seeking. This leads her to become submissive and seeking to please others to win their validation. This makes her an easy target for those who take advantage of the kindness of others.

After breaking up with her ex, she learned to say no and be more confindent in herself. However she still has moments of weakness because of her empathetic nature.


  • Butterflies

  • Coffee and tea

  • Gardens and museums

  • Animals


  • Liars

  • Feeling jealous

  • Lemon grass

  • Cockroaches and slugs

03 — Background

"I don't remember... or maybe I just don't want to."

Quinn is a former medical and psychology student. She is a kind and studious person however she was quite soft-hearted and easily pushed around prior to her death.

She had a crush on her friend Cain since high school and eventually met someone else with hopes that the relationship would help her forget her feelings for Cain. However she would later realise her new lover was an abusive, lying womaniser who would extort her for whatever he wanted. Being soft-hearted at the time, she didn't resist in fear of being abandoned and unloved so she obediently did whatever he asked.

Over time, Quinn realised this was not the life she wanted and decided to leave and start over. For a while, she casually hooked up with others to keep her mind off her ex. After she and Cain had their own break up, they became "friends with benefits" however she realised she still had feelings for him which he's unaware of. On multiple occasions, Quinn ran into her ex who asked her to come back to him but she refused constantly. Her ex then confronted Luke, a friend whom she was staying with for some time, which he assumed was Quinn's boyfriend based on a rumour. He taunted Luke and demanded to know where Quinn was so he can "save her", of course her friend refused and told her ex to back off and leave her alone but he was still determined to find Quinn. He eventually cornered Quinn and became aggressive saying he knows about her "new boyfriend" and that liking a man like that was futile because nobody will love her like he does. Eventually things became violent and he pushed her from the top of the building where she fell to her death. Her ex then tried to cover up Quinn's death by making it look like a suicide.

Quinn's friends did not believe she would commit suicide so they took it upon themselves to investigate and soon discovered the culprit and reason behind her death. Quinn was later resurrected as an angel but she had amnesia and couldn't recall memories from her original life or remember her loved ones for some time. She had somehow subconsciously repressed her memories and could no longer go back to her former life but with the help of friends she was able to start fresh and gradually regain most of her memories. What happened to her ex is still unknown.

As an angel, Quinn developed skills which allow her to bring her creative writing to life. She is able to create or destroy her own dimensions, turn her stories into dream-like simulations and manipulate, sever or reattach memories. Currently, she's working towards becoming an expert in medicine and psychology as well as an assistant who documents and rewrites memories for those who experience trauma or witness things they shouldn't be aware of.

04 — Trivia

  • Quinn is a Celtic name which means "wise".

  • Clark is an English surname ultimately derived from the Latin clericus meaning "clerk", "scribe", "secretary" or a scholar within a religious order.

  • She possesses Semi-Immortality, Healing, Regeneration, Literary Manipulation, Book Imprisonment, Pocket Dimension Creation and Memory Manipulation.

  • She is able to implant and rewrite memories.

  • Her Literary Manipulation allows her to bring writings to into reality however it requires a lot of mental energy and has limitations to how much or how long she can sustain their existence in the reality she resides in.

  • She has 3 piercings on her left ear and 2 on her right.

  • Her hobbies are reading, writing, playing piano or violin and baking.

  • She has mild acrophobia due to how she died. Despite being able to fly she still becomes afraid when she looks down.

  • She likes to write fiction and smut.

  • She's into role-playing and costumes. She likes lingerie.

05 — Moodboard

06 — Relationships

Older brother

Quinn is quite fond of her brother since they got along well while growing up. He often helped her study and didn't mind playing with her when they were kids. She liked reading the stories he wrote and was inspired to become a writer just like him however she also wanted to pursue medicine and psychology at the time. Flynn always encouranged her to follow her heart and do what she loves. After dying, she was given a second chance as an angel but she was struck with grief when she was told she cannot return to her old life or contact her loved ones. For now, the most she can do is watch over her brother and protect him like he had done for her all those years.

Friend | Crush

Cain and Quinn were friends since high school and someone she considers close. She had feelings for him when she was still human and tried to move on by dating someone else but it ended up becoming a nightmare so she left her ex. He's not interested in serious relationships due to his past so he chose to not return or act upon her feelings. They're mostly friends (with benefits) and even after her death, she still cares for him. Perhaps someday she will let go and move on.


Quinn met Zephon in high school and considers him close although she finds him intimidating she admires his intellect. She eventually learns that he hides a caring personality underneath his cold demeanour. Zephon is usually Quinn's go to guy when it comes to science and technology.


Friend and temp roommate for a while.




Tsubaki and Quinn met each other some time during her high school years. Later, she was surprised to learn that Tsubaki was actually a kitsune spirit. She occasionally scolds him when he misbehaves but she means well and knows it's just part of his natural behaviour as a fox.

Senior officer

Reziel is one of Quinn's senior officers. She occasionally assists him in his work and investigations which involve altering and erasing memories which keep the order between the mortal and supernatural world. They're not particularly close but she respects his diligent personality and work.


Travis is a demon who works under and assists Knell. Initially, he thought of her as a rival but eventually takes a special interest in Quinn for her intellect and love of writing. Unfortunately for Travis, Quinn doesn't think much of him or notice his admiration for her.


Juliet is a friend from university.