

Forever Homed

The God of Chaos.
One of the oldest creator deities in his universe, having overseen the dawn of the present universe itself. Kalu is a powerful god overseeing the concept of Chaos, as well as chaotic forces within the universe--as much as something that by very nature cannot be controlled can even be overseen.
He is immensely powerful and his power is unpredictable even to himself, frequently having unexpected results. He overall is a fairly mellow being, allowing what will happen to happen and finding fascination in seeing how events unfold.
Many deities fear or hate him, but he has no malicious intent. He's just vibing and his domain is inherently too chaotic to actually keep in check.

Kalu has a tendency to explore worlds in disguise as a traveler, and occasionally following his creations about (sometimes unbeknownst to them).

Gender presentation and identity has lately been in the masculine realm, but it shifts and fluctuates perhaps as unpredictably as chaos.

In a relationship with the Daemoness of Wisdom, Kanthscine

Design based off a gryff of mine on