


2 years, 9 months ago



ex-military • strong as hell • old in many ways

too old for his own good
1m80 range
muscular slenderness
main character
thought-through yet hot-headed

“We’re done fighting Humans, aren’t we? Or do you expect me to go and hack a few of them up just for laughs?

Nalyn has always known war. From surviving on the cutthroat streets of Gilfen to being forcefully enrolled into the Elshir army, Nalyn never really knew a moment’s peace – peace being a notion foreign to him to begin with.

But war took its toll, both physically and mentally, until Nalyn and what remained of his squad deserted to the Human Empire – lands and people they had pillaged for years.

There, for the first time in his life, Nalyn knew fleeting peace.



About Nalyn

Adopted as a baby by an ex-soldier and abandoned again as a young child, Nalyn only survived the streets of infamous Gilfen by being adopted by a boy somewhat older than himself.

Anxious, quiet years passed until Nalyn discovered how the now grown boy, Maulen, had lived in his own place and provided food every day. That day, Nalyn also found out what was expected of him. In a fit of horrified fury, he grasped control of his latent powers and beat Maulen’s landlord to a dead, bloody pulp.

On his own afterwards, Nalyn wandered the streets of Gilfen for a few more years, until his violent instincts landed him in jail for the murder of a noble. It is here that he came to terms with his life, and with the prospect of dying in jail.

Yet, one day, he found himself forcefully enrolled in the Elshir army by the hand of Corvis, novice general to a squad of now four criminals. In time, they became one of the strongest units, sent to missions by the King himself.

But they grew weary of this life and, taking advantage of Corvis getting abducted by Humans, deserted the war. Ultimately, only Nalyn and Corvis remained, and they settled in a Human town where, over time, they grew even closer to each other…

When Corvis one day died in his sleep, as though choked by some invisible creature, Nalyn sank into depression and alcohol. He left their once-home and took to wandering the Human lands. Time and pain allowed him to cope, as well as a man of brawn could learn to.

Upon a chance encounter with a young elven girl with truly weird ears, Nalyn would come to realize that there was indeed more to Corvis’ death than the eye could see…



Aneskia [ travel companion ]

On his way to nowhere, Nalyn ran into this Elvin kid pursued by an assassin. How could he not help her out? How could he expect this act of kindness would turn into a quest for answers to questions he never wanted to ask?


  • Nalyn was created somewhere in the 2000's for an online roleplay. Like for a few other characters, when the roleplay ended, I transferred him to the world that would become Aeyuu.
  • The greatest change for Nalyn was that I altered his love interest, originally my roleplay partner's. This love interest became a whole other character, leading to Nalyn becoming a different person as well. A better person, still with a sour mood.
  • Nalyn's past is a long river of suffering. He isn't one for hope, nor is he one to have reasons to live. Yet, he lives. He carries on because that is what he's always done.
  • This is why I wanted to give him a chance at finding reasons to live again, and decided to toss him Aneskia's way. Due to his past, Nalyn is overly protective of children, and therefore their best bodyguard.
  • I have been toying with the idea of giving him a prosthetic arm sometime in the novel, due to something done in his past that will cause his arm to stop working. Imagine him with a steampunk arm. Hell yeah!

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