


7 years, 2 months ago


Name: Asesino

Known As: The Enforcer

Age: 28

Origin: Detroit

Species: Asesino's species is known as The Forgotten. His kind was not always referred to by this name but with them being centuries old they soon became lost in history. No one knew these creatures existed and no one knows their original name nor where they came from. As of right now it seems as if Asesino is the last of his kind. 

Abilities: Asesino has the ability to shift into an anthro form though he very much prefers his feral form. When shifting from form to form he is vulnerable so he tends to not shift near others, his body will turn into a black mist as his body recreates itself before forming his next solid form, Asesino can not travel as a mist. Shifting takes less than a matter of seconds for Asesino. Asesino can place thoughts and even communicate with others when in feral form but this ability is not useable in anthro form. When Asesino is approaching the sound of a clock ticking can be heard echoing through his prey's head, seeming as if he's coming from everywhere. The louder the ticking the further away he is, if the ticking stops then your heart will soon follow. Asesino can turn on and off the ticking noise at will. Last but not least Asesino is great at hand to hand/claw to claw combat and isn't scared to fight dirty. Asesino has also perfected his use in multiple weapons but as stated, he prefers his feral form and would rather fight that way.

History: Born in the city of Detroit, Asesino was only five when his family members were massacred by the United States Government. His family, known as The Forgotten species, rare and hostile when cornered were chosen to be exterminated due to the threat they possessed towards the world, or that's just how the Government perceived them. Asesino was graced with his life only because of his young age, the government knew they could easily shape this young child into anything they wanted. And what did they want? A perfect weapon. Day in and day out Asesino was pushed to limits he didn't know he could be, he trained as hard as he could in both physical forms available to him, when he failed to be perfect he was severely beaten. These beatings would leave Asesino aching in physical pain and feeling broken with a disappointment to those who trained him. Asesino used to yearn to find others like him, if they even existed, hope that he was not the only one left of his species kept him going. Yet, as Asesino aged he grew harder, resilient, emotionless and lost that silly hope he held as a child, he gave himself a new purpose. To be the best at what he was trained to do. With no friends or family holding him back Asesino reached his full potential and became a prize possession to the government, an irreplaceable one. He is now an assassin for the same people who murdered his family and eagerly does their dirty work. Asesino takes out those who cross the government, breach contracts, or are just a nuisance to the government in general. With money coming in left and right Asesino lives in great comfort and though he has a nice cabin in the woods Asesino prefers his animalistic form. There are whispers about the one known as The Enforcer, brutal and unforgiving when he takes on a job. The Enforcer is not one to be trifled with and well, if you do, you'll know why he's earned this nickname.


Current Owner: Win-su


Previous owner: Nathika

Name used to be Oijiubi

proof of purchase