Cecil Dustwood



2 years, 9 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.
Curious Cecil !!
Curious . Clumsy . Tired

Quick Stats

name Cecil Dustwood
Age 22
Gender Transgender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Race Abyssal/Void Naga
Orient.  Gay/Omni (


Important!!:; Cecil here is one of my personas/avatars and is the one I plan to use for VTubing. I don't mind NSFW art of them but please check with me if it's something I'm comfortable with. Plus I'd like to see any art of them so please show me.

Cecil Dustwood is a peculiar sort of naga and it's not because they are albino. No, No, it's because of their ability to use magic. As most nagas only have minor magic if any. Cecil runs an "oddity" shop called the Crescent Moon Curiousity Shop. You can find just about anything with magical value and/or something to pique your interest. They are quite friendly and clumsy but still holds an air of mystery around them.


  • Cecil's underbelly scales can open up into a giant mouth with a seemingly dark and continuous appearance.
  • Cecil made a deal with a Seraph Angel effectively becoming a warlock on top of their natrual magical prowess.
  • Cecil is a powerful vessel of the fallen moon.
  • Semsapiel aka The Manager (The Seraph) has tought Cecil many magics and skills of the celestial beings.
  • Cecil has taught himself most his magical talents other than a few things from others.

Design Notes

Designer @ user
Obtained content
Worth $$$
Status content
  • Cozy soft boy with a hidden edgy side.
  • White hair and red eyes since they are albino.
  • Lavender spots all over body, tail spots vary. (Face markings stay the same.)
  • Crescent Moon marking on forehead matching their spot colors.