Princess Dom.



Basic Info

Age 🎂


Birthday 📆

21th October

Zodiac ✨


Personality 🎭

Authoritative, Lascivious & Dominant

Occupation 💼

Dominatrix Princess

Likes 💕

Bondage Sex, Power & Books

Dislikes 🗑️

Weakness, Diplomacy & Vegetables



Princes Dom is a character of ours in Whipped And Steamy • Cosplay Café and Bunny Splash Casino (Adults Only)! 

An original character created by a psychologist for the in-universe feudal-themed role-playing community of Feudal Dominance. Princess Dom. quickly rose to become one of the most popular original characters in the game due to her ruthless and dominatrix personality.

She is a sadomasochist queen that has annexed multiple lands by dominating their kings, queens, lords, ladies and rulers and has thrown them into her dungeons for diplomatic play and personal pleasure. She also keeps alliances with other lands through also considerably and mutually debauched means, growing the reach of her empire through lustful and scandalous means.

Despite her dominatrix and SM personality though, she still spoils and treats well those she has imprisoned, as it improves their devotion and their will to pleasure their queen further. The kingdom under her name, following her licentious ruling, is also extremely pleased and happy with their queen.

If it hasn't been clear until this point, Princess Dom. likes engaging in bondage sex, and enjoys the feeling of power. She also enjoys a more quiet and knowledgeable get-away with reading books. She dislikes weakness and easy domination, as well as any old-form of diplomacy (much preferring her new means). She also dislikes greens and vegetables.