Sky Raiders Protogens (Sold)



2 years, 9 months ago


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About This Set: 

Crosspostings: dA | TH | FA | Reddit 

I made a protogen base that ended up being one I considered offering for free. Of course I wanted to make some designs on it to test it out and show examples of what you can do on it, but not sure if I'll be using this base often for personal use.

This base is F2U in my base shop! 

You're  free to tip if you can afford it to express appreciation of the base, but otherwise it's completely free! If you guys like it enough and I get enough support, I'll try developing more bases. For now beware of... the Sky Raiders!

Learn about Protogens here:


This set is OTA (offer to adopt)Thank you so much for your support!


Offer $20+ on each!

Will also consider physical items from this list (mixed offers are okay!):

⛔ Do not offer art or any designs not on the list!

12035933?16271626781. Nebula's Window: loistoharakka $50 SOLD
"Can't expect space to stop turning and revolving for you."

Walking through the tangling hallways within a library hidden within a mountain, lost travelers may not notice one of the glass windows moving along with their every step. A protogen that's found quaint surroundings, he stays within this humongous library to recover from seeing too many horrible sights. His visor has a display that constantly moves, often playing out scenes from outer space... he used to have normal expressions, but now uses space video to hide the deep sadness within him.

Speaking to him, it's clear he's not very happy about you invading his living quarters. Apart from emotional damage, this protogen also suffered poisoning exposure from the planet's atmosphere that caused crystallization upon his midsection and wrists appearing like glass he pass by every day.

Notable Features:
Standard Visor
One Uni Horn

12035950?16271616262. Daybroken: Fatal-Blossom $20 SOLD
"It's obvious those that do not stop at warning signs end up shattered."

Constantly on the move, a protogen of much intimidating strength seeks to find anyone in need of guidance. Most of the time, such a search ends in a clash as most creatures this protogen met on this planet are hostile. Despite this, he doesn't give up hope that someone out there wants to be different from the other civilizations within this planet of violence.

Originally responding to a distress call from a protogen he regarded as a best friend, such protogen failed to inform him the risk of entering the planet. He had a sinking feeling the atmosphere may have been hazardous, but the cries from his friend convinced him to press forward anyway. Now his mistake glistens all over his person... and his visor shows this the most. To take away attention from his afflictions, he adjusted his face to mimic the native creatures' faces.

Notable Features:
Shaped Visor
Two Long Backward Horns

12036086?16271623703. Midnight Wax: fiskybitz@dA $40 SOLD
"You got time to spend glaring at me? Then spend some looking at your own face reflecting off mine."

Out from the darkness, sudden yellow eyes flash and a big strong creature leaps out at threatening beasts attacking passerbys. Spending most of his time trying to fix the mess this world decided to put itself into, a fatigued protogen can't stand the leading species on a planet he got himself stuck on. The leaders of this world decided to put all weaker species into hectic ways of living by attacking and robbing said natives at random points of a month.

Ruling over this place with fear and power, such dominating creatures started facing a new threat overbearing to face... and there's no doubt this guy's behind said threats arriving in. By helping sneak some people through ships that are armed with knowledge of how to take unfair governments down, this protogen has no doubt he'll bring a big shift here. Being used to the night lasting for years, he has no problem glowing the waxing moon to signal armies ahead of him that they're in for a number of sleepless nights.

Notable Features:
Boxed Visor


*Please do not resell these for more than you bought them for. Exceptions are listed on my…
*Edits are allowed. If you're wondering about an edit, feel free to ask about it
  • Do not drastically change colors or markings-- color shifts are okay to a certain point, and you may change/take away/add markings to an extent, but not to the point where the design is almost unrecognizable.
*Be sure to credit me for making the design when you first draw it.
*No trades.
*Money only for these, no points, sorry! 
*Coupons can be used for this set!
*I'll transfer the TH profile once I confirm payment. (or send you the unwatermaked version if you don't have TH)
*Feel free to give them a new wardrobe.
*Have fun with them Lovelies! *3*

Species by CoolKoinu
Designs and art (c)PieCuddlie