


2 years, 8 months ago


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Bonded to: Black (f) Shivay at Lantessama, small
Age: 190 (275) Sex: Female
Soul Name: frell Known By: none but herself
Mate Status/Sex Preference: Recognized to Clearwater, heterosexual, shy and very naive - just wait to see what happens when she's bonded a dragon!
Children: Morning Glory
Parents/Relatives: Hillrun, mother, deceased shepherd, Cloudshift, father, deceased shepherd
Height: 3'8" Build: slender and busty, not particularly strong
Hair Color, Length, Style: pale brown, to lower back, wavy with small ribbons here and there
Eye Color, Size, Shape: deep brown, large, round
Skin Tone: fair, freckles in sun
Voice Quality: high, sweet, sing-song
Clothing -- Summer: v-neck dress with off-shoulder puffy sleeves, in light flower prints, sandals
Clothing -- Winter: long white turtleneck shirt, heavy brown leggings, overdress of brown, boots
Jewlery Worn, Made: loves ribbons and spangles, anything with more than one color to it, gets lots of gifts
Tatoos/Markings/Scars: none, absolutely!
Pets/Animals Kept: songbird in a wicker cage, varies from year to year depending on how often they catch one
Notable Posessions: a small hand harp, made of metal and wood, which she sings to; she's got a lot of little shiny things, too
Holt Function: Shepherd, and proud of it
Magic? How Powerful? none, moderate to strong sending
Climate/Locations Preferred: outside in the bright summer sun, flowers blooming, all that nonsense
General Likes: everything, just everything!
General Dislikes: oh, those grumpy people - you know the type
Fears/Worries: hopes not to lose anyone else close to her, but that's unlikely
Special Strange Info: will save herself for her recognized mate, but goes to all the best parties to find "Him"
Basic Personality: flighty, softspoken, wishywashy, nice all around, agrees with whoever gets the most attention
How they feel about
ugh, nasty things!
Elves -- herders: well, we all love each other
Elves -- magic users: wish I could do that, dear
Elves -- bond-riders: if they didn't think so much of themselves, they'd be okay
Trolls, etc: horrible, the things I've heard about them
Bond Animal Info if any: none, but really thinks that this year's sheep are wonderful, don't you? (ewe?)

Taking the longest to decide where to go to bond, Heartshy and Orangepeel finally make up their minds to head with Warmhand, to Lantessama weyr. Because the story of the one clutching was so amazing, Heartshy felt it was entirely appropriate to stand at a true-lover's clutch.

While staying at Lantessama, of course Heartshy wanted to see everything. She wound up with a flitter! So unlike Warmhand's black, Heartshy's tiny white male creeled loudly but didn't seem to want to take food until Heartshy assured him it was okay. "Pause" is his name - not to be confused with "paws"!
Heartshy and the others were enjoying themselves at Lantessama Isle. She knew that this place would be best for her, their chances of bonding seemed limitless. There were lots of eggs, even of different types of dragons, not just the regular ones. She snuck around and watched as the Easter Dragon hatching was done, all those lucky people with the cute long-eared bunny dragons!
Pause got big, just like Dusk did, and he was still just as careful about taking things before asking, as he had been as a flit. Heartshy was busy finding something for Pause to play with (other than her favorite ribbons that she kept in her hair!) when the hatching was announced.
She rushed down with the others, excited and expectant. When the first of the eggs broke open, she was thrilled to see a dual colored cream and purple. That one would have looked so good with her. Then, a silver - oh how she looked like a bangle. The blue and green which paired off to Warmhand and Orange Peel left Heartshy with a bit of a pang.
What if she was alone, and didn't pair up? What if the dragons just didn't think she was good enough? She was hardly a bondrider like at Twin Peaks, and never thought much about them herself. But now... could that attitude be preventing her from bonding?
Two coppers broke out of one shell, and paired off. They were very sturdy looking and one of them even bonded a man who was a King! He smelled like death to Heartshy - how odd. A superby dual colored bronze and green postured around until bonding, and then a green found her friend. Heartshy was getting more nervous. There were three people and three eggs left, but the whole audience was watching now, and she felt a bit on the spot!
A brown and another blue hatched, one slamming into the other. While the brown got up and found his bond, the blue was unhappily crying near his egg. Heartshy knew that sound - he'd stumbled and hurt himself, his wing was pinned. How awful! She went to his side instinctively, because all good shepherds knew when a youngling was in danger.
But it was the last boy on the sands who paired off with the blue, looking into his eyes.
Heartshy stood by the last egg, biting her lip. What would she do? It wasn't moving much, and there was always talk of dud eggs which never hatch. Determined, she walked to the egg and tapped it's shell. She knocked on it, and it responded with a gentle sound from the inside. The egg must be thick, but soon, it began to crack.
A black wet head came out of the hole that was made, and the dragonet licked Heartshy's cheek. The dragon was small compared to even her smallest sibling, but to Heartshy this hatchling was bigger than her flitter, and that was saying a lot!
I'm Shivay, the dragonet told her.
With great relief, Heartshy said, "Why do I feel like you've been ready to hatch from the start?"
Because I was... I just don't like people watching me. Heartshy knew that feeling all too well, as they were the last on the sands. Plus she thought that there was more to this than met the eye.
"How do you feel about elves?"
"That's good. You have so many people to meet!"
They left the sands together, and the next batch of eggs actually started hatching almost just then! Heartshy almost wanted to watch that one too, but Shivay was tired and hungry, and wanted the attention that her bond could give.

Shivay and Heartshy prowled around the corridors of Lantessama's back area, both of them feeling like eyes were upon them - when none really were. Their exploration of the place continued until they came to a hallway that only the elfin woman was able to fit into.
"I guess that's as far as we go," Heartshy said, half sadly. "I wonder what's on the other side of that curve?"
I know - we can fly around it, I know I can carry you already.
"But Shivay, you're too young and the fledge masters haven't told us we can yet!" Heartshy said, she didn't want to get into trouble with the local leaders!
I can do it quietly - and besides, it is night time. They cannot see me in the night time! And you can almost see everything in the dark. Your eyes are very keen.
Heartshy blushed, and they scurried around to the nearest ledge. The corridor they found might lead all the way outside, so Heartshy left a little piece of stone that she marked as far in as she could reach - she'd find it if their hunch was right.

"How many times are you going to get into trouble, before you turn into a human?" Warmhand asked, with a grin. "I mean, you sure seem to have picked that up from them."
She knew that he was only joking, but in a way he was very right too. Heartshy and Shivay had certainly been in their share of close calls, scrapes and danger - and got caught only a couple times. Shivay claimed that her night flights and their narrow escapes were sharpening her skills - after all, they wouldn't be in nice protected territory like Lantessama all the time, would they?
"Nope," Heartshy said, packing her few pieces of clothing and looking around their den. "I am going to miss this place, even though it's all humans and big things..."
They make life interesting. And you know that all humans are not bad news. Shivay said, nodding her tall-crested head.
"I do know that. It's a lesson I wish that the humans at home could learn too." Heartshy sighed. Warmhand placed his fingers on her hair, moving a tangle out of it.
"They will learn eventually. They have many generations to learn what we can teach them. And if the message is the same all the time, how can they mix it up?" He said.
"Are we going home now?" Asked Orangepeel, his brightly colored green dragoness prancing about and getting nervous.
"Yes, we are," Warmhand announced, and they bid Lantessama Isle farewell. Heartshy though - she knew that she would return some day. She had come to love this place after just over a turn in their lands.
Perhaps she would go with a mate, perhaps she would come home with one? Who knew!
Shivay was impressed with the turnout of males. Lantessama her home sands would truly become her children's home sands too! But before hatchlings could be bonded, even before eggs could be hatched... They had to be made!

True to form, Shivay waited until twilight to rise into the air. Her coloration would certainly serve her well, and she'd spent days on end soaring over the hills and treetops making sure she knew the area well enough to fly, herself.
The first to arrive was a smooth and curvy blue, dappled with darker and lighter shades, and light colored wingsails. Sabelath was so easy to like, even Heartshy thought so. His rider, Myosia, a young woman with a penchant for exploration, might do well in Bald Mountain!

Local to Lantessama however, was another blue, much smaller than the first, seemingly used to being the smallest around. Chuvinoth was of a more angular and pointy-bits build. Also... his female rider was an elf! One that was actually, apparently, native to Heartshy's world! Heartshy and Spell would talk in their native tongue to one another, with or without the dragons' influence. In fact, Heartshy openly invited this wolf-rider elf to visit their dragon-riding home of Bald Mountain. It seemed like Spell had been unaware that their world could sport a dragon or two, but maybe it would just be a visit, she was fitting in well here.

Another local arrived soon after, the sharp tailed and equally sharp minded black Jhanihth. He seemed to be looking around trying to predict what moves he'd need to make, while his human rider Shaymar attempted to figure out what he'd be doing with himself while his dragon pursued Shivay.

A two-toned white and brown dragon appeared to deposit his human rider nearby, and while Waver seemed to be more interested in a mechanism he muttered to himself about, his dragon Pfilhadgth cast a glare toward the other males, as if the brown on his wingsails gave him a bolder attitude in a mating flight. But he also seemed to have a gleam in his eye, this was one to watch.

The final entrant was entirely different than the others in that his hide was black and green - wasn't that typically a female's shade? The patterns on Taviorth's hide were apt to make Heartshy think of the dappling of a forest at night, almost as though fireflies lit his skin from below. His rider, a delicate looking human, not all that bigger than most elves, but blustery and strong willed - one to keep on their good side, for sure.

Shivay prowled back and forth, looking for the best way to approach this flight. Those certainly were some proper suitors, after all. Well, her instincts said that she should out-fly them, use all the tricks she knew to keep them from catching her. That would certainly ensure strong, healthy, and quick-winged offspring.
But strength and speed weren't everything she wanted for them, so as Shivay silently took wing, her mind called out mocking those males, and asked them, what do you really want to prove here? That you're merely speedy? I don't need to be fast to outfly you...

When they all heard her tone, the males gathered their wits. The all-black Jhanihth was first into the air behind her, but he kept dodging and hesitating. Why? Was it bugs? No, it turned out... He had plans.

Pfil' was stronger on taking off than others expected, maybe there was something to those big brown wings on the silvery-white dragon. He could likely keep up with Shivay with ease, but the others in the air gave him something to think about.

Sabelath and Chuvinoth paced each other with angry sounding trumpets, and it was their noisy takeoff that probably alerted the small number of onlookers that Shivay had taken to the air at all!
Last in the air, but not for lack of enthusiasm, Taviorth moved like oil on water, keeping low to the treetops where his coloration absolutely played into his own secret plan.

Shivay called out with her mind once more, as she began a steep climb into the evening sky. If there are too many predators in a forest, sometimes the prey becomes endangered... but sometimes it learns to outwit its hunter...

What could that mean? Chuvinoth led the charge into the sky, whipping his tail in front of Pfil' who dodged to avoid it and nearly spun into Jhanihth, who he also had hardly even seen thanks to the dim lighting. The other two - visible - dragons pulled some g's and made it into the sky to chase... nothing? Black soot? Was that a dragon, two of them were entirely black anyway, and no one could even tell whether Shivay was still climbing or...

She wasn't! She'd turned on her wing and darted downward before most of them had the chance to respond, the only reason Chuvinoth knew she'd changed course was the wind that suddenly brushed past. He dropped down, but wasn't nearly as quick to do so as Jhanihth. In varying degrees, the troupe of chasers spread out, all of them looking around in confusion. Their senses could play tricks on them in this darkness, and it was Pfilhadgth who realized that the dark shape he was pursuing wasn't actually a dragon, but was instead a treetop! He slammed into it and got a maw full of pine needles, his plans suddenly dashed, but his draconic laughter still filling the air as well as the minds of those around him.

Good luck with her, she's a tricky one! He called out, soaring up to the ledges where there was adequate lighting, and waiting for his rider to arrive.

Snaking around the biggest of the trees, Taviorth spotted the motion he was looking for, and sprung into the open air silently. Shivay gave off a trumpeting of anger and surprise, but managed to get clear of the ambush just as Chuvinoth was turning to scan that area for her. He sped up quite rapidly, but Taviorth got in his way, hissing and growling - even if he was known to be a very kindly and helpful dragon, this was a mating flight he intended to win! Chuvinoth backed down, the blue cruising carefully toward the local lake, knowing that his rider was still quite close to Heartshy - the elf girls would be talking about this flight for a while.

When all that racket alerted the rest, Jhanihth realized he had to act quickly. But it was with a strange mental laugh that Shivay once more called out to her now-dwindling suitors, I know you are all worthy, but only one can have this prize! And that made all three remaining look to the sky again.

Shivay's mind could be tracked, and it seemed like even Sabelath realized that. He'd fallen behind, but that was no worry to him. If Shivay wanted the best, she'd get the best... Whether it was him or one of the others! He kept up now, homing in on the sound of her wings. Or ... maybe it wasn't her wings. Jhanihth snarled as the mottled blue tried to embrace his hind end! The black male would have attacked the blue but Sabelath was much smaller, and considerably more agile even though the black dragon prided himself as being similarly talented. At that point however, the black had lost track of where Shivay was, and Shaymar encouraged the dragon to take a dive into that lake to cool his head...

Sabelath mentally called out in apology, and even the hot-headed black dragon had to admit that was a nice gesture. The blue dragon spotted motion again, and realized that it was not Shivay, but Taviorth once more skirting the trees. The green-marked black dragon was at least a match for speed if still slightly larger than the female they chased, and Sabelath had to admit there was more to this chase that met the eye. Mostly, if you could see it, it might not be what you expect!

The mottled blue rose into the air above the trees, somewhat fruitlessly searching for either of the dragons, and a notion popped into his head. He stalled out in mid-flap, and dropped quickly out of the sky. And if Shivay hadn't been as quick on the wing, he might have plummeted right onto her! She gave a trumpeting EEEP! and as he descended all but clipping the nearby tree limbs with his hasty inversion and leveling out, Sabelath called to Taviorth, you're welcome! 

That black and green dragon had taken instant advantage of the sudden reappearance of any hint of Shivay, and as the blue dragon distracted her, he sped up from behind!

Oh that was a dirty, good trick! Shivay's mind rang out once more, and trumpeted in happy union with the bicolored black-green Taviorth.