


2 years, 8 months ago


Name goose
Alias goose
Age unknown / old
D.O.B ???
Pronouns any
Occupation n/a

pink elephants on parade - dj jack remix

Zygorex MYO fella, absolute dumbass, doesn’t get half the things anyone says but they try their best. Has 3 (green) tongues, is genderless (goes by all pronouns), can shapeshift and cannot close their mouth, blocking them in a perennial smile (not that they care). They also were scarier once, but then they just kinda… stopped working and now just… is. They don't have a voice claim, seeing they can shapeshift and thus change their voice freely.

Likes & Dislikes

good bread
making other people happy
big jackets / coats
scaring people
his past
disrespectful mortals
accidentally hurting people

They first manifested in Japan and travelled the orient. Originally they were a tyrant, demanding sacrifices and spilling bloodshed at the smallest fit of rage. But as time went on they started to calm down, exploring all over the world in a human form before settling down in some woods in Japan. Thus, after milleniums they calmed down, their brain clogging up after many years, making it so they might not get most things just introduced to them but they still clearly remember the past though they basically never bring it up.

Their present is vague and open for interpretation, though overall they are kind and slightly dumb, helping anyone they can almost as a way to apologize what they did so many years ago. They also generally refrain from relationships with mortals in the fear of hurting them or one day losing them. Their powers are exremely varied, but they don't use them anymore due to their destructive capabilities.

On rare occasions or when put in contact with blood they might spill bloodshed or return to a more bestial state. After a varied period of time they calm back down, though they usually immediately leave to avoid more damage towards anyone or anything else.