


8 years, 9 months ago


 Basic Info 
-Name: Gwendolyn Hilaria Slytherin
-Nickname: Gwen
-Birthday: 21 December (Sagitta)
-Age: 14-15 as of the ref sheet; varies by the roleplay (usually RPed as 10-11+)
-Body: 1.66m (height), 41kg (weight), A cup (this is when she was around 14 years old), overall very slender/lithe
-Health: always perfectly in health, it's hard for her getting flu and such
-Blood Status: Pureblood

School and Magic 
-House: Ravenclaw
-Best Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defence against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration
-Worst Subjects: History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Potions
-Favorite Subjects: same as best
-Wand: 13", dogwood or sycamore (TBD), dragon core, quite flexible
-Patronus: stoat
-Pet: Snowflake, a white magical mouse

Personal Stuff
Bright and joyous, Gwen always showed to be full of energy, never staying still an instant. She's very adventurous and kind of a tomboy, always getting in trouble for not acting as a lady. Very stubborn to the point of idiocy, and also quite brave, that was why her father was afraid he'd get yet another child in Griffyndor. However, she's also very curious and had always been smarter/more talented than kids her age, her adventurous side mainly a way to satisfy her curiosity, and that seemed to be her prevalent trait, earning her a spot in Ravenclaw. Gets bored very easily, and doesn't mind breaking rules for her own curiosity/entertainment.
She talks a lot and is very friendly, without caring about blood status. She's also an animal lover, especially of mythical creatures.

The middle child of the Slytherin/Hufflepuff family, Gwen was born on Winter's Solstice, during the first snow of the year, and with skin and hair so pale that her parents' couldn't help but name her after the fairness of snow. Due to her appearance, Salazar expected her to be a posed and delicate lady, but Gwen proved to be a child difficult to handle since the beginning. Curious, active, full of life and apparentely bursting out magic from each pore, it was indeed a great potential which sadly rampaged in the wrong ways, since no one was there to calm it in better ways. Helga, in fact, returned as teacher to Hogwarts when Gwen was only 2-3 y/o, and Salazar, not adept to children, often left the kids in the care of nannies. Gwen's boredom coupled with her unattended inner magic caused many house accidents (of course, being a child and without a wand, she couldn't control her overdeveloped bursts of magic); this made her even worse in Salazar's eyes. Her siblings were already older and already under Salazar's private education, so she had no one to play with, and often snuck out of home to play in the nearby fields and forests, or to contact "uncle Godric" through a magic mirror...which were yet more behaviours her father disapproved.
At the age of 6-7 she was under her mother's care again, as Helga decided to retire from Hogwarts due to being pregnant again, but Gwen was already quite rebellious and often played the part of the "bad kid" on purpose to irritate her father. Helga tried stitching up the holes in the family's relationships but to no avail; Gwen was dead-set on being as free as she could and to have fun whenever she wanted, in the face of the noble etiquette, and Salazar was dead-set on her being an irrecoverable brat, a shame for the family's honour.
Gwen herself was pretty sure to get sorted in Griffyndor; she considered herself brave and adventurous, and adored Godric and his ways to speak or do things, so it was quite the huge surprise for everyone when she was sorted in Ravenclaw instead. She became quite popular at school for always being in some mess, from starting to physically/magically attack students who bad-talked about her for being a Parselmouth, to skipping classes to go play in the Forbidden Forest. Salazar and Helga received almost weekly letters about her bad behaviour, and both of them tried many times to talk to her through the magic mirror, but there was nothing to do. Her grades were peculiar as well, with astoundingly good grades in some subjects and equally astoundingly -in bad- grades in others, to the point some thought she managed to copy to get the good grades. Thankfully, with Arthur's supervision and after managing to make some friends, the bad behaviour started to subside a bit after the first year, even though Gwen still liked to "have fun" more often than not.
(More TBA/TBD)

----Salazar Slytherin: father, the two don't get along well as she's the least favorite child of his. Constantly being scolded by him and teasing him with pranks even more in response.
----Helga Hufflepuff: mother, she didn't manage to bond much with her as Helga was still a teacher at Hogwarts during Gwen's childhood; if she were more present, she'd have an immense love for her mother. Still loves her and goes to her for comfort and advice.
----Finnian: older brother, get along pretty well and sometimes managed to get in trouble together. They also often spar each other's from their father.
----Reina: older sister, don't get along very much as Reina never tried being affectioned with her. They mostly argue.
----Cerin: younger brother, didn't manage to see much of him due to age difference/being at Hogwarts, but is pretty protective of him and likes to always remind him to being himself no matter what (read as "no matter what their father says").
-Crush: none atm
-Other Relations: 
----Arthur Griffyndor: good friend, being a friend of Finnian since childhood and sharing the same House as Gwen, Arthur acts as a sort of protector to her, making sure she doesn't do stupid things like skipping classes or slipping out of the Common Room at night.
----Godric Griffyndor: sees him as the idol uncle, really enjoys hearing his stories and taking inspiration from his adventures
-Future job: TBA

-Random Facts: 
----since she has no set age, to make things clear: she is 5 years younger than Reina and Finnian, 4 years younger than Arthur, and 7 years older than Cerin.
-----she is way smarter than she's given credit for, it's just that she puts herself only into things that catch her interest; that's why she's excellent in her favourite subjects and pretty much sucks in the others.
----she can speak Parseltongue, much to Reina's envy. Reina actually tried to push her into looking for the Chamber of Secrets for her.
----hates keeping her hair long, since they keep getting in her way when playing/adventuring, was forced by her father to keep them long as a kid as a sign of noble heritage and feminine appearance. She cut them for the first time on the ride to Hogwarts and has always kept them short since, despite her father's protests.
----since she was a child she would often sneak out of home to play around, occasionally returning with some sort of animal or magical beast as "pet".
----she's very good at Transfiguration, has an innate talent for it since she was a child; most notable occurance was when, at the age of 9, accidentally Transfigured the kitchen table into a dragon, setting the house on fire.
----following the fact above, she actually has a knack for setting things on fire in general.
----as mentioned in the "Story" section, her skin is actually very pale, but due to spending most of her time out it got a bit darker. Salazar highly dislikes it, as it makes her look like a paesant in the nobles' mindset.
----sometimes has pretty huge arguements with her father with the two of them speaking only in Parseltongue (seeing them angrily hissing at each other is always frightening to Helga).
----as a kid had the habit of taking away the rats/mices from her father's snakes, scolding the snakes in Parseltongue for trying to eat them.
----she's actually albino/almost albino, this is why she has such pale skin/eyes/hair.