Mocha (Written Story Info)



1 year, 7 months ago


Who is Mocha?

Mocha is a spoiled child turned multi-platinum superstar. Mocha Dash Rubia was born in the Demon-Human border city of Elgård. She is the youngest child of Kilimanjaro (Jaro) and Kona Rubia. She has an older brother Chai Rubia. Mocha’s family, the Rubia Wolf family are upper-class wealthy demons living within the Hybrid Gardens of Elgård.

Because Animal-Hybrid Demons are very similar to humans they often receive special treatment, which is why the Hybrids are allowed to live within the border city alongside humans. This would also lend itself to the opportunity to study alongside humans when Princess Nova launched the Demon Introduction Act, in which 3 demons from 3 different families of the same age would be chosen to study magic with human nobility. Of the 3, Mocha, Mei, of the Hu Tiger Family, and Felix of the Ra Pheonix Family were chosen. The 3 would go on to study magic with the noble humans.

Mocha of course chose bard magic. This love for Bard Magic would continue throughout her entire life.

The three would try to remain friends but as the Mochas always does, she drove a wrench between the hybrid trio. She would eventually leave the Gardens (which is unheard of for Hybrids) to pursue a music career in the capital city of Grim.

Mocha’s music career would prove to be successful as she is one of the only trained bards in Valac as demons are normally forbidden from learning arcana. She would go on to tour, making millions in the process, however, to gain this success she had to cut ties with everyone close to her. Mocha, though successful finds herself lonely and hollow.

One day, Princess Nova, an old “friend” would come to ask a favor of her, which may be able to save Demonkind from genocide, she finds herself hesitant as last time the world hung on her shoulder she let everyone down. Is this her chance to make everything right again?

What is the Hyrbrid Trio?

The term “Hybrid Trio” refers to the three Animal Hybrid Demons that were selected by Princess Nova to attend a Human Noble Magic school. The trio is made up of, Mocha Rubia, the youngest child of the Wolf Family, known for her rebellious actions and smug behavior Mocha excels in bard magic.

Felix Ra, the middle child from the Phoenix Family. Felix was an especially odd choice since he possesses the natural ability to create fire, something, not all demons, and no humans are born with. Humans are known to heavily discriminate against demons who can create elements. Felix is most known for his kind and caring side, often going out of his way to do the right thing. Felix shows strong promise in the pyromancy department.

Lastly, Mei-Lei (Mei) Hu, is from the Tiger family. Mei can be described as a being someone with a hard shell and soft interior. Remaining cool and collected nothing can get in her way when she's focused. Mei during her time at school chooses to study healing magic, to enhance her hand-to-hand combat skills, by healing herself as she fights.

In the prequel to the original, the story follows the hybrid trio as they experience the anti-demon propaganda in real-time as they attend school. The demons begin to gain some attention as Princess Nova takes an interest in the trio, inviting them over to her castle and secretly hanging out with them when she gets breaks from royal duty. This takes a head as she begins to take a liking to Mocha, the wolf bard. Soon they begin a short-lasting relationship, before Nova’s father, the King, breaks it off and forbids Nova from ever talking to the trio ever again.

The trio's lives after this point would only become more chaotic as they venture into Grim and meet what they call the “Grim Kids” (Poprock, Casper, Roy, Hex, and Jester). Through these connections they’d also meet Arist, a Demon Prince, who would become very useful to them as they find a strange book written in a language that only Arist could read, that may uncover some truly dark secrets about the “Great War” That happened thousands of years ago.

Mocha’s Importance in the Rebellion

Why does Roy save Mocha last minute when escaping the Human attack on his tower? Not too many know as this is very unlike Roy to go out of his way for someone, especially an ex. Well, likely it all started 7 years ago when Roy and Mocha would join Felix, Mei, and Arist as they uncover the secrets of the original demon genocide thousands of years ago. The five of them would meet Achlys, a Sky Demon well over 1000 who experienced the Great War themselves. After the Humans caught wind of Achlys existence from a human friend of the trio, they marched onto the Isle of the Forgotten and fought with the little demons and Achyls to try and wipe their hands clean of their past, successfully killing Achlys. This would leave five children distraught as their mentor had died right in front of them, the fate of demon independence and equality was resting on their hands and they fell short.

So how does this tie into Roy’s decision to save Mocha? Well not only does Roy see a way to rewrite their past failure of not being able to expose the Humans for what they did, but also Roy sees Mocha’s worth in demon society. Mocha, being a famous musician, has a stronger influence on the surviving demons, potentially being able to gather others to join the rebellion and fight for their freedom.

So even though Mocha really had no choice in joining the rebellion by Roy taking her with Hex into the Aridam, it wasn’t as if she wasn’t going join the rebellion anyway, Especially since she was only at Roy’s tower to watch out for Human activity, as a tip from her former ex, Princess Nova.

Mocha would live up to the expectations of the group. Though she is a whiny, spoiled adult who just had her relevance stripped from her, she proved to be a pull for demons and humans alike to fight back against the fascist Human Monarchy. Suddenly being able to save Demonkind as she had tried years prior


Mocha is the second child of Jaro and Kona Rubia. She was a relatively normal Animal Hybrid baby. Mocha's favorite thing to do as a baby was to chew on her toys and pick fights with her older brother, Chai. Mocha’s mom, Kona, during her infancy, would stay home and watch over her and Chai

Mocha would only get more rebellious as she got older by age six, she had begun first grade in the Gardens. Her friends included Mei-Lei Hu, Felix Ra, Arya Toco, and Bea Aves. Mocha was seen as the troublemaker of the group, often going out of her way to cause trouble, for her amusement. This group of Hybrid would remain close friends up until the beginning of ninth grade.

In the ninth grade, Mocha was chosen as one of the three Animal Hybrid children to attend a Noble Human school within Elgård. Along with Mei, and Felix she would study magic amongst prestigious, Demon-hating Humans. She would go on to choose and master bard magic better than any Human the school had ever seen.

This year she’d also meet a demon accomplice to her mischievous ways, Roy Prometheus, a Fire Elemental Demon from Grim. Roy, along with their Demon Prince friend, Arist would accompany the Hybrid Trio on a journey of discovering the hidden truths behind the Great War. Along the various adventures, Mocha and Roy would work in tandem to cause as much mischief as possible.

After the death of the great Achyls, Mocha would never be the same rebellious little demon. Throughout the rest of her time in high school, she’d pull away from her friends and studies, feeling as though the death and destruction of the Isle was in part her fault.

After graduation Mocha would abandon everyone she grew up with and hightail it to Grim, starting a music career, as she is the only demon to have ever studied bard magic. In the beginning, she would live with Roy to survive, however after she started becoming successful, she did was she had always done, pulled away.

At 22 Mocha is a shell of what she used to be, no longer full of life. Though she puts on this act of I don’t care and I’m better than everyone else, the reality is she is a lonely millionaire who can’t buy herself out of her feelings. By the time the beginning of the war rolls around she is at her end. It is only a visit from an ex, Princess Nova, begging for the popstar’s help that she attends Roy’s party, hoping to please the Princess.

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