
Pronounces: she/her
Release date: July 29, 2015
Species: succubi/shadromancer
Orientation: hetero
Voiceprovider: Gasilova V.N.
VB type: CV/VCV
VB language: Japanese

Adelle Longshadow


“Так что начни с малого...”
—"TYLD", Часть 23. Жонкиль –Странник–


  • CV InFerNaL: "First try to record. Had short samples and lots of glitches."
  • CV HuMaNiC: "Second try to record. (moved into archive with VCV)"
  • VCV: "Contains some extra-phonemes for russian language. Oto.ini for this part is unfinished. VB can be hard to use."

An impulsive person who loves to travel, and also to get what she wants, when she wants.
She also has a soft side that appeals to her collection of violets and her family.
Sometimes it may seem that she does not love the youngest of her sons at all, criticizing him in every possible way and considering him a complete failure, but she is well aware of his potential and capabilities, as a result of which she in every way encourages him to develop. Avoids establishing romantic relationships after the death of her husband, Evgraph.

Pre-Shado ark

A succubus who was summoned by by two young aristocrats for fun, and forced to work in their house as a maid for a while. A short time later, she escaped by tagging along with traveler passing by, who turned out to be L-ray. She began to accompany him on his painful journey, trying to get his attention, and, in the end, she succeeded. In general, it is unclear if L-Ray actually loved her, but when Adelle got pregnant and gave birth to his child, he was glad that his curse was not passed on to his son. However, their further journey did not last long: five years later, his gift and curse finally finished off L-Ray, and he, being no longer able to pass through himself the pain of children freed from other curses, lays hands on himself.
Tori was only five years old, and Adele was forced to settle in the nearest town. The new homeless girl was offered only a rough job, and the best of everything that was offered to her in the city was the work of a cook in the house of the local duke. During the days, Tori was left to himself, and in the evenings Adele tried to teach him something. However, every year the longing for L-Ray intensified in her, and it became more and more difficult for her to rejoice at something, even though she saw how his small copy was growing. Adele could see that Tori was definitely trying to cheer her up, but that still wasn't enough; she was very sorry that she must seem like a cold stepmother to her own son.
When Tori was forced to go on the run after an ugly case with Princess Sharlott, Adele is very worried about his future fate, but at his request remains in the city, as he did not want to put her in danger. Her further fate is unknown.

Shado ark

Tori still loved his mother, whatever she was, so he transferred her soul into the Shado as a shadromancer and provided her with everything she could possibly want. However, he had few memories of his father, causing both him and Adelle to relive the traumatic episode of Evgraph's death. However, due to the fact that Tori also transferred the essences of alternate selves from other worlds into the Shado, making them his brothers in the Shado, it was much easier for Adelle to cope with the loss, even if these named brothers did not get along very well with each other.
Adelle lives quite quietly in Shado, traveling between its sectors, sometimes still staying for a long time in her apartments in Cog.

Post-Shado ark

It was out of the question for Tori to forget about her! After restarting the world, Adelle still lives in Cog, but now quite often visits her youngest son to see her grandchildren.

  • mbti ENTJ
  • h/w 165см/48кг
  • zodiac leo
  • tarot judgement

  • She is quite old even by shadro standards, and she remembers Shado from its very beginnings.
  • She has a damn huge collection of violets in her apartment.


black tea


dachshund dog



  • journeys
  • violets
  • her per BtB named Hin
  • dust
  • uselessness
  • mess