
 Short Subtitle here 

Short bio here



 age 985

 pronouns He/Him

 orientation Gay

 location  Orita

 Job  Assistant/Designer

 relationship Single

Scent Blood Orange

Nickname Sun/Sunny

Spots Asymmetrical


7'7" [feral]
9'8" [human]
10'1" [half]

31'0 [wingspan]


Introverted and somewhat clumsy. Naturally very quiet and reserved, it can at times take all Sun's courage to speak up about something. While it was much worse when he was a child, he still has trouble with stuttering when nervous. However, when calm, he is very well spoken, polite, and in general easy to get along with. Dislikes too much activity and large crowds. Tends to get excited when talking about fashion, and is usually the only way to get him to be a chatterbox. 

  • Fashion
  • Hanging w/ plasm
  • tea & coffee
  • quiet personal time
  • large crowds
  • too much attention
  • being rushed
  • loud noises

mEetinG Plasm

When Sun heard that a good looking model was looking for an assistant, he jumped at the opportunity of getting closer for his dream of being a fashion designer. He thought that if he was close to a model and the business, he could therefore work his way up, possibly show his designs, and eventually be successful himself in the field. When the list of possibles had been narrowed down to 3, and Sun was both excited and nervous to have been picked for actual trials. However the other two he was competing against for the position were much more dominant and tried to bully him into quitting because Sun was doing very well and was intimidating them. After three days of it poor Sun was almost ready to quit since he didn't like confrontation, and the bad treatment was really hurting his self esteem. On the last day of the testing, the others all cornered him out back of the building and were being even more nasty, at one point even getting physical in attempt to get him to quit and leave. But as they were so distracted, they didn't hear or see Plasm coming up from behind. 

The model, seeing the abuse and how Sun was reacting to it, got angry and told them all off, declaring they were no longer welcomed there or a part of the testing, and threatened to press charges if they didn't get lost. Effectively frightened and intimidated, the bullies all fled, leaving Plasm to check on Sun, who was sore and shaken but otherwise fine. After getting back inside to relax a bit and calm down, Sun was surprised when the other Koltherian congratulated him on getting the assistant position. At first he didn't want to accept, thinking it was out of pity, or that it was only because he was the only one left. But it didn't take too much more reassuring on Plasm's part to convince him to at least give it a try, since he had still applied for the position. 

Sunspots does sometimes gets annoyed with Plasm when he keeps calling him Spot, causing him to at times yell "Don't call me Spot!/"My name's not Spot!" when teased too much. When the model hangs on him, at first it made him uncomfortable, not being used to such open physical affections, eventually he grew more and more used to that too. Though sometimes it would also annoy him, since Plasm would show up demanding attention when Sun tended to be in the middle of working. He tolerates it, partly because Plasm is his boss, but does grow to enjoy the open affection. Sun does respect Plasm a great deal despite all the other does to annoy him at times.

plasm (friend)

Personal assistant and friend to. Later on, makes some of his clothing.


Mutual acquaintance/friend through Plasm.


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LEADER              FOLLOWER

POLITE                         RUDE

KIND                           CRUEL