Ania Marti



3 years, 1 month ago



"Often times, the best thing you can do is continue moving forwards."


Virsces the Roborant • ISFJ • The Magician

Hostile Friendly
Neurotic Stable
Serious Comical
Pessimistic Optimistic

Ania is a very chipper and bright woman, always happy to have guests or company. She tends to look on the bright side of things, believing that everything will work itself out eventually- though not on its own. While generally very polite and agreeable, she has something of a temper. Should you end up on her bad side you can expect none of her usual pleasantness, she will be cold and hostile no matter the situation, and will make no secret of what you have done to deserve said treatment.


  • Name Ania Marti
  • Age 43
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her/Herself
  • Orientation Straight
  • Hair Straight, Dark Brown
  • Skin Pale
  • Eyes Dark Brown
  • Eye Symbol Plus
  • Build Dainty


Childhood Quarentine

Anias life was generally uneventful up until her early teens, when her father was diagnosed with cancer. For the following years, she spent almost all of her time at his side in the hospital. She resolved to become a doctor, and started devoting all her time to the study of medicine and classes required to go down that career path. Despite her constant studying, she managed to be picked up by several people as friends at school. Claude Blanchet and Avery Byrne in particular began to hang around her after they were grouped together for a project. The three became almost inseparable in the following years despite the other two’s constant bickering.

Honeymoon Period

They didn’t last however, as both Claude and Avery moved out of the country before the end of high school. Ania made an effort to stay in contact with both of them, writing letters frequently. She only got a few replies from Claude in total, and eventually Avery and her drifted apart as well. Aside from the loss of her closest friends, Ania was doing very well for herself. She married her sweetheart, a man named Miki she had met in senior year, and graduated from medical school. But everything was turned on its head when she and Miki started trying for a baby, as they found that Anias chances of getting pregnant were slim to none.

Teenager Troubles

She was devastated, but Miki took care of her. Eventually he suggested they adopt, and she agreed, still wanting to have children even if they were not biological. They adopted a baby boy whose parents had died, and named him Chotan. Ania and Miki were wonderful parents to Chotan and the family was very close. However, when Chotans best friend killed herself, everything was once again heading downhill. It took a serious toll on Chotan, and Ania was naturally worried about him. She set him up for therapy, but her worry only grew when she discovered that he had started seeing hallucinations of his dead friend. She tried to help as much as she could, taking him to many doctors and specialists. Slowly things went back to something close to normal, but there was a lingering tension. Ania remains acutely aware that Chotan is still struggling, but as he surrounds himself with new friends, she hopes they will help him heal in ways she cannot.


Miki Marti


Mikis laid-back but loving attitude meshes perfectly with Ania. The two work together like a well-oiled machiene, Ania can't imagine living without him. She loves him very much, and he loves her equally.

Her beloved son, Ania loves Chotan with her whole being. She knows he's troubled, and she wants nothing more than to take whatever is hurting him away. She knows the only thing she can do to help with his grief is to be there for him, ready for whenever he needs her. She knows it'll pass, but she knows just how painful that can be and how long it can take.

Claude 'Dives' Blanchet

Ex-Best Friend

Despite everything, she wants the best for him. She wants him to atone for his mistakes as best he can, to repair his relationship with his son and try to undo the damage he has caused. Even if he does, shes not sure she can ever forgive him.


  • Likes:
    Watching Plays
  • Dislikes:
    Medical Dramas
  • Playlist: Medical and Mental Exams
  • Anias birthday is March 30th
  • Her sweater is a hand-me-down from her Father
  • She always smells like hand-sanitizer
  • The back of her clipboard has a bluebell painted on it, and 'MAD' surrounded by a heart carved into it
  • Anias associated fear is The Lonely
  • Anias classpect is Knight of Life