


3 years, 1 month ago


He’s a sad ghost, stuck in this plane because of personal attachments

can’t remember death cause (murder), the time leading up to it, and only remembers good/happy memories. he occasionally has flashbacks and episodes, when the toll on his mind forces him to recall bad times, but after these end, he has no recollection of what just occured.

brown coat - ‘natural’ corporeal form, he can interact with people/objects, and they can interact back. He will leave footprints, and can choose to reveal himself, or not. In this form, he can only stay fully invisible for ~10 mins before he has to shift back, otherwise the strain is too much on his body. the strain causes goop to leak off of his antlers and eyes.

other coat - the technical form of him, the ‘true ghost’. In this form, he is somewhat of a poltergeist, but kinder. He plays pranks to make others smile. Technically transparent at all times, but if he wishes so, he can choose to reveal himself, although it leaves telltale signs of his passing, neon green footprints and traces of magic that hang in the air.

Invisibility isn’t the same as transparency. When he is invisible, if the searcher is looking in the right spot and pays enough attention, there will be a telltale simmer of magic where he is.