


6 years, 7 months ago


James generally has a calm and laid-back, even grumpy demeanor. He tends not to be very expressive with his emotions, which can lead one to wonder if he even feels them at all. Although gauging his emotional state may be difficult, he is also better able to remain calm in exciting or stressful situations and avoid making decisions without analyzing the consequences first. At the same time, James has a tendency to value his own thoughts and opinions above those of others, which can result in selfish behavior and an unwillingness to change his viewpoints. He also never misses an opportunity to make a snarky and/or sarcastic comment. Some people find them funny, others find them frustrating, but he means no harm; it's all in good fun.

James is not the most outgoing person in the world; he prefers to chill in solitude or with people he trusts, as opposed to chatting it up in an unfamiliar crowd. He doesn't let himself get too close to anyone too quickly, and while this prevents him from being hurt, it also makes it harder for people to get to know him in the first place. While James does loosen up as he becomes more familiar with someone, it can take some time for him to begin to warm up to a new face. He presents himself as a very independent individual, often too much so for his own good. Even a fire-breathing dragon needs help sometimes. However, he's far more concerned with the well-being of others than he lets on; he feels great guilt when he unwittingly steps over boundaries and will sacrifice his pride to make amends. As much as James acts like he is above everyone else, he does feel a strong desire to help people out and will lend a hand even after trying to distance himself from the situation.

Some of James's favorite activities include sleeping (ideally in a warm, comfy bed), relaxing outside on a nice day, browsing the Internet, watching movies and TV, playing video games, and reading books. His favorite genre is mystery. As is the case with many dragons, James has obvious hoarding tendencies. His home is perfectly clean; he just has an......above-average desire to collect.

James's closest friend is Baz, who is perhaps the only individual who can get away with using James as a perch. Although the two frequently butt heads, their conflicts never last forever, and they always make up in the end. If there's one thing the two enjoy doing together, it's snarking. Truly they go together like milk and cookies......assuming the milk hasn't spoiled. But hey, you can always buy more, right?

Originates from the James the Dragon series.