


6 years, 7 months ago


22 | male | brown hyena | bisexual

worth $100


do not draw him smiling, it doesn't fit his character. draw him looking sad, angry, upset, vacant, etc.

levi is one big ugly grouchy hyena with a bark that's just as bad as his bite. levi has no time for anyone but himself, and refuses to change that either. he can be controlling, paranoid, and egotistical, and he has no trouble putting his own well-being above others. because of his stand-offish attitude, it's no wonder why levi has trouble making or keeping friends, but he doesn't ever seem bothered by this. he prefers to keep to himself, and if anyone ever decides to talk to him, they are easily put off by his behavior. levi will only entertain friendships with people he deems could be useful in some way, and it goes without saying that he does not take issue with using people for what they can offer him. levi has several mental illnesses that he does nothing to address, but instead he self medicates his depression with drugs and alcohol and stays mostly at home to avoid anxiety. he often struggles to read social cues and understand other people, so he does what he can to not interact with others. levi lives in the worst part of his city where crime happens hourly, so he is vert desensitized to danger. he owns several weapons that he knows how to use very efficiently.


♥ loud music




✖ being emotional

✖ other people


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