
3 years, 19 days ago





  • CREATOR Alias
  • DESIGNER Alias
  • WORTH Priceless
  • VERSE Fruit Salad
  • THEME It's Alright
  • AGE 200
  • BIRTHDAY 1/5
  • BLOOD TYPE Grape
  • HEIGHT 5'3 feet
  • WEIGHT 210 pounds
  • GENDER Nonbinary
  • RACE Protogen
  • ETHNICITY Protogen
  • OCCUPATION Waiter/Singer
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Unknown
  • ARCHETYPE Creative
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • SOCIAL STANDING Low middle class
  • RELATIONSHIP Taken (Ana)
  • STATUS Sleepy


Gra is a protogen, boasting two small purple horns and four round ears. They're a desaturated purple color, With tight purple curls clustered on there heads and there neck.

There medal chest is modelled after a tuxedo, a dark grey medal covering most of there body, with lighter grey highlights. Coming out of the back of there chest plate is two rounded coattails, that end at there upper thighs. They wear a purple polka dotted bowtie, with the inside fabric of the coattails being the same purple polka dots.

Gra has no tail, and there claws were replaced by slightly squishy jello like "claws", that can't do much damage. Some of there curls are a deeper purple then the rest of there fur. There "symbol" is a bunch of grapes.


Gra is the most quiet of the fruit salad gang. They tend to keep to themselves, and spend most of there time thinking. Gra is easily flustered, and is often overwhelmed, to the point they tend to avoid crowds. They tend to be the worse at there job because of that.

Despite being shy, Gra has a mischievous side, and is a known enabler. They are always plotting behind there innocent, sheepy face. Gra might be the most anxious, but they shine as energetic and silly when among close friends. They're the one who's the most ready to try new, weird things.


Gra was created as another generic, everyday protogen, but there was something wrong with them. They passed there training just fine, but they were anxious all of the time, and hated the violence that they were forced to do. One day, they took off in there space ship, to never return.

After serveral months ship hopping and hitch hiking, Gra ended up on the pleasure space station AR-961. They were ready to leave again, but they met the other protogen, Ana. Gra was initially afraid of Ana, but after a short time, Ana's sincere passion won Gra over, and they decided to say on the Space station.


  • DND
  • Singing
  • Sweet drinks
  • Mischief
  • Farming sims


  • Crowded places
  • Unwanted criticism
  • Screaming
  • There boss
  • The internet


  • Gra is completely neutral on the topic of grapes, but they are slightly concerned with there friends obsessions with cannibalism.

  • Gra plays a lot of DND, and there favorite class is paladin.

  • Gra falls asleep during every movie. Any movie, even horror movies. They are knocked out.

  • Gra is an incredibly singer, and when they aren't waiting on tables they are providing entertainment on stage.

  • Gra only likes achohol when the tang of achohol is covered by other flavors.

  • Gra's favorite foods are a light salad and also doritos.




Ana is Gra's closest friend, and lover. Ana helps Gra come out of there shell a bit, and Gra always laughs at Ana's shenanigans. They are the definition of a sickingly sweet couple. Gra can be a bit clingy sometimes though.



Mel and Gra might not be as close as they want to be, but they're still friends. They mostly bond over DND and work. Ana makes sure to include Mel on most of there adventures, but sometimes that means Mel becomes a 3rd wheel to the loving couple.

Code by AviCode