Lancer Shank



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Lancer Shank


Sometimes shortened to Lance by his siblings




Aquanix Demon




Head Executive of Riptide Cartel





Creation Year



Joyeuse Riptide (mother), Ragnarok Shank (father), Marquis, Argent, Cornell, Shrike, Turul, Freyr, Shakuru, and Fathom Shank (younger brothers), Cyan and Tilia Shank (younger sisters)


Shakelde - Aaquanixie

Current Home

Shakelde - Aaquanixie


Physical Appearance

  • Medium length black hair with longer bangs on right side
  • Red eyes
  • Fair skinned
  • Very tall in height
  • Physically fit with muscled build
  • Gill slits on neck
  • Razor sharp teeth
  • Rough patches of skin on his arms where fin ridges can grow out from

Clothing Style

Lancer tends to dress professionally or at least nicely no matter what he's doing. His clothing all tends to be well made and high class since his family certainly has the money for it, but he does not go out of his way dress extravagantly. He tends to wear jackets, usually red, with white and gold embellishments or trim, along with black pants and boots. He tends to wear relatively simple jackets when working or traveling and only wears slightly more decorated ones for formal events. Even when at home he doesn't tend to relax his style much. He's very selective about his clothing and refuses to wear anything cheap, tacky, childish, or anything with graphics, logos, or words. Everything he owns is made from high quality materials, yet in general his style focuses on simple designs while remaining sharp and clean looking. His style is very similar to his father's, which is no surprise considering how much he looked up to him.

His most common look consists of his favorite red jacket with white trim around the collar and down the center and white cuffs on the sleeves. The fasteners, cuff-links, and trim along the coattails are gold, and under his jacket he wears some kind of black shirt, usually a sleeveless shirt. The sleeves of his jacket are removable so he can use his arm fin ridges without damaging the material. He wears a white sash belt and black pants that tuck into red boots with gold trim, a white inner layer, and black fastening straps and soles. He does not go out in public without his black scarf, usually worn around his neck and tucked into his jacket, and his gold family medallion hidden beneath that.


Lancer is a rather aloof yet highly intelligent and cunning man with a very short temper. He tends to keep detached from others and doesn't seem to emotionally invest himself in anyone outside his family. He is a cold and calculating man who tends to speak eloquently yet is always rather terse. He comes off as very harsh and blunt, and his aggressive and no-nonsense demeanor makes him very difficult to approach. Although he is very clever and has a brilliant mind, he tends to be rather impulsive at times since his short fuse can often make him act through his emotions rather than through his mind. He doesn't warm up to others easily, so coupled with his intense and abrasive personality he rarely makes friends. He only seems to open up toward his family members, and even then he has trouble expressing any emotions that might suggest he's vulnerable in any sense.

He's incredibly condescending and dismissive toward most others, the only exceptions being his family members. Lancer can sometimes be a bit snippy with some of his younger siblings, but it's just him being grumpy rather than legitimately cruel toward them. He is actually very protective of his family, but he doesn't openly show much affection toward them other than his mother. Lancer tends to feel uncomfortable with displays of affection and tends to be rather stiff when any of his siblings are huggy with him. He struggles to be a kinder person to those he legitimately cares about, but he has a hard time opening up and gets annoyed or embarrassed by displays of affection. His siblings tend to look up to him as the figurative king of the household and basically the entire trade ring across the region due to his position in the family company. Some also tend to have a mild fear of him while also respecting his power, yet this fear tends to bother him since he knows how some of his siblings don't think of their father too fondly for his aggressive tendencies and lack of compassion. Lancer wants to find a balance between being more like the person he looked up to without crossing that line into being disliked by his family, and although he can be rather sharp tongued and grumpy with them, he means the best for them and usually needs a lot of convincing from his family to keep him from utterly slaughtering anyone that slights them.

Lancer also tends to be a bit of a workaholic and rarely takes time for himself. Marquis often has to force him to relax and step away from things, since the added stress and obligations don't seem to help his mood or his short temper. Lancer rarely does anything at work involving other people without Marquis with him, since Marquis tend to be the mediator and can usually keep him from getting too worked up. Their subordinates walk on eggshells around Lancer, and he acknowledges that Marquis is probably the only reason half of their staff is still alive. As blunt and snippy as Lancer sounds even when talking to Marquis, the two know each other better than anyone else, and their opposite personalities balance each other out perfectly. Marquis is one of the few people that doesn't take Lancer's harsh words to heart, since he knows his older brother usually doesn't mean it that way and just has trouble finding nicer ways of phrasing things.


  • Watyr rifting - rank 1/5
  • Demonic strength and stamina
  • Advanced combat training and high pain tolerance
  • Accelerated regeneration from demonic aura and can survive most injuries that would normally be fatal to mortals
  • Underwater breathing and faster movement/mobility while swimming
  • Skilled with firearms and various other weapons


  • Intimidating, confident, and assertive
  • Persistent, focused, and tactical
  • Cunning, calculating, and eloquent
  • A strong leader, relentless, and fearless


  • Vindictive, aggressive, and sadistic
  • Harshly blunt, not terribly compassionate, and condescending
  • Short tempered and resorts to murderous violence very quickly
  • Mildly mentally unstable due to both mild demonic insanity and hereditary mental issues characteristic of shark Aquanix


Lancer was the first child of Ragnarok and Joyeuse, and he was born 4 months early and terribly premature. Due to the doctors’ efforts and his father’s connections, Lancer was able to survive, and he grew healthily for the rest of his childhood. Due to him being the oldest and having a rather rough start to his life, his mother tends to be very sentimental with him and always seems to express her happiness with how he's grown. While growing up, he was deeply influenced by his father’s involvement with Red Excalibur, and he strove to follow his father’s example despite him not being the most sensible role model. Due to this, Lancer picked up Ragnarok’s temper and unforgiving nature toward enemies, and it is later apparent he may have inherited a few of Ragnarok’s mental instabilities. It is likely that this is the reason why Ragnarok tended to favor Lancer (when he normally wasn't interested in that many of their children at all) and eventually decided to teach him to fight and defend himself and his family, along with helping him find ways to manage his mental problems since he wasn't able to in his own childhood.

As the eldest child, Lancer has always set high expectations for himself to stand above his siblings. He strove to succeed his parents with the family business in the empire of trade. Lancer’s education made him highly intellectual, but his short temper overshadowed his brilliance at times. He thought very highly of his father and mother, but he was a bit detached from his siblings in order to keep his violent tendencies under control. He seemed to be handling them rather well, but this changed after his youngest brother caused the death of their father. Consumed by hate for this brother that he never even found useful or necessary in the family, Lancer immediately tried to kill his brother, Fathom. Fathom managed to escape, and Lancer dedicated the majority of the next decade to finding his brother and exacting his revenge.

Lancer has grown farther apart from his family during his search for Fathom and became colder, harsher, and less reasonable with others. His siblings worry about him the most, because their mother is still too torn up about Ragnarok's death to notice, and it's clear to everyone but her and Lancer himself that his obsession with revenge is making him more and more unstable. The only thing that seems to keep him grounded anymore is his work with the cartel and constant interactions with his closest brother and business partner, Marquis.


  • Lancer's name was chosen as something uncommonly heard, yet has a connotation of being a fighter or soldier in some sense, since he would be an aggressive person. I specifically chose Lancer because it sounded like an actual name (or at least could be shortened to Lance) and also because of a local junior hockey team called the Lancers, which made the term more fresh in my mind at the time.
  • Lancer was initially created to be a primary antagonist to his brother Fathom's narrative. He still is to some degree, but he's become developed on his own to the point where he has a narrative beyond being an antagonist.
  • He wears a lot of red in his outfits both because red is his favorite color and also because bloodstains blend into it better.
    • His father would typically wear more red/warm tones as well, so it's likely he wants to emulate his general style considering how much he looked up to him throughout his youth.
  • It is obvious he has inherited the same mental problems and uncontrollable aggression brought on by his demonic aura like his father had, although he's not pleased about it. Since he grew up in a home of supportive family members though, he has a much stronger handle over his mental state and he has worked out methods to cool himself down and not let himself lose control. 
    • However, this doesn't mean that Lancer doesn't go off on hairline triggers sometimes, and he has a bit of a sadistic streak so he often becomes murderously violent on his own accord rather than losing control like his father. He doesn't care much for other people, but he can still be very smooth and manipulative through negotiations, which is obvious in his position as the head of the family business. Although it's not always the best decision, Lancer loves when he gets to use intimidation and/or violence to get what he wants.
    • Typically a demon's aura grows when around other demons, and it remains weak when not exposed to other demonic auras over a long period of time. Ragnarok and Lancer seem to have a condition that causes the demonic aura to flare up powerfully regardless of the presence of other demons, with the detriment of it flaring up much more easily and growing out of control more than usual.
  • Joy tends to get more sentimental with Lancer since he's her first child and he also takes after his late father very much, but Lancer has learned to just roll with it and never shows his usual detachment or dismissal toward her affection. Although he doesn't really like being treated like a child, he acknowledges his mother does that to all of his siblings equally and it's just her way of interacting with them. 
    • He respects his mother more than anyone and appreciates all the love and effort she's put into raising all of them, which is why he works so hard to maintain the family business so she can continue living comfortably.
    • He's also aware another reason why Joy is rather sentimental with him is because of the odds he faced after his birth, considering he was born very premature. Joy adores him as a first child and also as her "little miracle."
  • As much as he values his family and working toward their well being, Lancer has no interest in having a family of his own and would only be interested in providing any aid to any of his siblings who would rather start one themselves. 
  • Lancer is not very affectionate in general, only mildly so with his family members, and he gets disgusted at the notion of being affectionate or intimate with anyone else. 
    • He responds to any sexual or romantic approaches to him as coldly as he does with anyone else that gets on his nerves.
  • Since his brother seems to display a similar calming aura as their mother, which could even keep their father relatively under control, Lancer tends to keep himself around Marquis as often as possible to keep himself in line.
    • He tends to offhandedly refer to Marquis as his "wife" simply because he tends to nag and fuss him a lot, especially about laundry matters since Lancer tends to get blood on his clothes rather frequently. "I don't need or want a romantic partner. And Marquis is enough of a wife that I don't need to bother thinking about it."
  • He doesn't give himself a lot of opportunities to relax, but he seems to relax more easily when near, in, or on the water. He particularly likes winding down with a book by the water or on the boardwalk at home when he has the time.
  • Lancer is a little confused about this, but many of his siblings seem to agree he has the best looking eyes out of the family. He doesn't really care enough about his appearance to be aware of it, but Freyr in particular is insistent that Lancer's eyes are "sharp and stunning."
  • His favorite foods are, predictably, mostly seafood. His favorite dish in particular is grilled swordfish.
  • Lancer is somewhat distant with most of his siblings with a handful of exceptions, although it's not because he outright dislikes any of them. He finds attachment to be uncomfortable, and he prefers to express his affections for his siblings in other ways. He's more of a protective older brother who will do tasks and favors for his siblings rather than one who is extremely personal and physically or verbally affectionate.
    • Lancer is obviously closest with Marquis, in age and in their bond as brothers. They spend the most time with each other since they work together, and Lancer trusts Marquis with his work and his life. They sometimes bicker since Marquis tends to fuss him into behaving better, and Marquis is always trying to get Lancer to relax more and enjoy life rather than being a workaholic. Despite any of their arguments, Lancer does not tolerate any slights to his brother and is extremely protective of him.
      • Lancer is normally stubborn about keeping to his work and not following most of Marquis's advice, which he refers to as nagging. This changes somewhat following the incident in which Lancer finally confronts Fathom. Without giving too much away, Lancer feels terribly guilty about how Marquis was involved in the confrontation and admits he's gone too far in various aspects. He tries to do better about listening to Marquis from then on.
    • Lancer is also very close with Cyan, and he's used to her "nagging" and teasing since she and Marquis tend to gang up on him in trying to get him to take a break and take care of himself. Cyan is usually more forward and assertive with her calling out Lancer for his often unhealthy work ethic, and this can sometimes lead to more heated arguments since Lancer is stubborn. Regardless, Lancer respects his sister and looks out for her carefully.
    • Although Lancer finds Argent's career choice questionable, he does respect the work Argent does even if he doesn't morally agree with it. He tends to get into deep discussions with Argent since they are probably the most serious of all the siblings, and their other siblings will sometimes joke about which of them is the biggest party pooper.
    • Lancer considers Cornell to be immature and annoying most of the time, and he certainly talks too much and is horribly irresponsible. Even so, he acknowledges that Cornell looks up to him and admires him a great deal, and Lancer would admit that he admires Cornell for his skill with firearms. Hearing such a compliment from his big brother is probably the highest praise that Cornell could imagine.
    • Shrike's lifestyle somewhat confuses Lancer, or at least his deal with birds does. He understands the desire to live on a deserted island and stay away from people in general. Lancer doesn't think much of Shrike only because he wouldn't say he knows him very well in general. He acknowledges his brother's passion though and recognizes him as an expert in such a field, even if he doesn't particularly value the field himself. He does get a little overprotective of Shrike though, especially if he sees other people targeting him because he's smaller than the rest of the siblings.
    • Lancer was genuinely surprised at how much Turul grew up, and he's somewhat confused why Turul apparently thinks Lancer is the best at fighting out of the siblings. He surmises it must have to do with him being the oldest brother and supposedly the most "powerful" of all of them. Lancer respects Turul for his fighting skills, and he would say that there's nothing about Turul that annoys him.
    • Tilia, on the other hand, is probably the most irritating of all his siblings, in his opinion. She's loud, crude, irresponsible, reckless, and a million other things that push Lancer's buttons. He's also a bit tired of her persistent insistence that they fight each other so she can "prove that she is the best fighter out of all the siblings." Lancer will cooperate well with her in a fight and acknowledges she can hold her own more than well enough, but he can't stand being around her in personal settings.
    • Similarly to Cornell and Tilia, Freyr also seems to know how to annoy Lancer with his endless chattiness. Lancer sometimes dreads going home and being bombarded by Freyr's relentless chatter, but ultimately he considers it harmless enough. He is a bit softer on Freyr on the basis he is one of his youngest siblings, whereas Cornell should know better and Tilia is just way more grating. He is also more protective of Freyr since it is obvious he doesn't have an ounce of aggression in him and couldn't put up a good fight if he tried. Freyr also once got caught up in an assassination attempt against Lancer and has a huge harpoon scar from it, so Lancer feels rather guilty about him getting inadvertently in the way.
    • Although it isn't too obvious, Lancer has somewhat of a soft spot for Shakuru as the youngest sibling (excluding Fathom). He recognizes that Shakuru struggles to find a balance with his aggression and demonic aura at times, and Lancer tends to look out for him and offer him advice when needed. Of course, Lancer isn't that great at seeming like a doting older brother, but Shakuru recognizes that his oldest brother has his own way of caring.
    • Lancer holds an unhealthy amount of resentment for his youngest brother Fathom due to his hand in their father's death. Lancer has spent years trying to track his brother down to enact "justice" over their father's killer, and all his other siblings have seen how much he's let his desire for vengeance consume him. Following the family's reconciling with Fathom, Lancer has stepped back from making any judgments on Fathom and tries to interact with him as little as possible. He thinks it's the best thing to do, considering how poorly he's handled the situation.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "The vicious eldest child of the Shank family, he heads the trade empire in his parents' stead while seeking revenge on his father's killer."