
3 years, 14 days ago


 NICKNAME                  trevor
 Age  65
 Gender  male
 Pronouns  he/they
 Voice  Gabriel templar

 Species  human
 Height  6'4
 Orientation  pansexual
 R.status  divorced
 L.status  dead
  • Baking
  • Turtlenecks
  • Sleeping

TW:// Suicide

Trevor was born in 1904 to his parents Dorothy and Steve Campbell. He lived a relatively normal life. He tried to pursue any relationship he could but everyone found him odd due to his lack of social skills. He eventually met his wife Lucie, and the two hit it off relatively well. When Lucie became pregnant with Susie, Trevor was forced to work night shift to keep them all afloat. Trevor had to deal with a few crazy customers who would come in and threaten him, and even one that threatened him at gunpoint if he didn't give them all the money in the cashier. Trevor quit after Susie was born and grew really depressed after the trauma of working night shift. Lucie also started to get quite hostile towards Trevor and started to gaslight him. The only saving grace was that he got along quite well with his daughter, Susie. After a while, Trevor eventually had enough of the abuse and filed for a divorce. A few days after he and Lucie split up, Trevor overdosed on alcohol, too tired to continue living. 

  • Yelling
  • Night-Time
  • Nightmares