Asendi Aprici



2 years, 7 months ago


42050820_4tDM2QVF5zBSOgZ.pngAn enigmatic Beaut, invited to live within the Vaervan Kingdom by the Triune themselves. Asendi and his few close friends are considered VIPs; they are allowed access to most of the Vaervan high-security areas, a direct line to the Triune, and are permitted any goods or luxuries they request. Exactly what earned the Beaut coven this privilege is a well-kept secret, though they generally aren't egregiously hedonistic enough to attract much attention.

Asendi is private but clearly prideful, keeping his cards close to his chest but enjoying the benefits of his position. He cares for the other Beauts that came with him, and seems to be their defacto leader, but does prefer Incy's company to the rest.