


2 years, 11 months ago



Name Kalinda
Designer Rexos-isle
Gender Female
Obtained20$ mystery breeding
Significant OtherToo young
Rules Kiamara rules
Species Kiamara

RoleStudent body president


✔/ Studious - Bright - Confident in what she wants- Thoughtful - Well meaning 

X/ Frustrated by failure - Impatient - Over-cautious - Naive - Easily flustered

As a kid, Kalinda struggled to cope with the fact that her mother didn't really...put her first. She was abandoned with her uncle, her mother was distant- and she tried her darndest to impress her and make her proud. Getting perfect grades, excelling in any event she was a part of - but her mother just didn't seem to notice. As she got older into her highschool years, her uncle took over as her full time parent, someone she greatly respected and looked up to. He taught her to want to succeed for herself- and to deal with the insecurities about herself that her mother had left her with.

Thanks to his support and help, she became confident and motivated- setting her sights on a future career in politics to strive to make the world a better place.

Naturally, she got her foot in the door as student body president at her high school, but she's already working towards quite a few prestigious programs. 


  • OOC daughter of Firefly and Ryoko. Canonically, she is Ryoko's daughter by an (unknown in story) other parent.
  • Granddaughter of Drayce and Sinthia
  • Niece of Libelle and Hamza
  • She does not live with her mother, Ryoko essentially abandoned her pursuing her education in law enforcement to bring down her sister and make the world safer- putting her career before her own daughter. Kalinda was raised by her uncle, Hamza- who took the role of a doting father figure. She is resentful towards her mother- but appreciative of her uncle and what he did for her. She looks up to him a lot. 
  • Presently, she refuses to speak to her mother. Not that Ryoko tries that hard. She means well in her career and life but she is not a good parent.