


6 years, 7 months ago



Name Vempyremon
Age ??
Gender Female
Race Computer Virus (Digimon)
Theme Datastream


Charisma ★ ★
Kindness ★ ★
Integrity ★ ★ ★ ★
Caution ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★ ★ ★


Height 5'11
Build Curvy
Eyes Red
Skin Pale
Hair Straight with few waves, black and red.


Vempyremon is a vampire Digimon of the Virus nature. She is a computer virus from the darkest regions of cyberspace, otherwise known as The Dark Area. This is where the Seven Great Demon Lords reside, including her master and creator, Daemon. Vempyremon was created by the Demon Lord, Daemon, in an attempt to harvest power for himself by destroying cities of weaker Digimon. Regaining her own sense of free-will, she broke free from his clutches and escaped. She went into hiding as he sent a mass of corrupt Digimon to follow her to bring her back to him.

When it all began, Daemon sent her out on a fairly simple mission: destroy a Myotismon who collected enough data and power for himself to make even the most non-selfish of Digimon as greedy as the Lord of Greed himself. In this case, Daemon. She, unable to resist his charm (and aggressive nature) sought to find this Digimon her master desired. Upon finding their prey, Vempyremon soon found herself in love; she was not able to complete Daemon's wishes as originally commanded. His desirability far outweighed Daemon's yet she couldnt help but find herself conflicted and struggling against the control the Dark Lord had against her. The fight was not only mental, but physical as well. Her own coding turned against her as she fought his command. It eventually destroyed itself, leaving nothing but the faint glimmer of her data left behind. With no one around to claim this data, in time it would rebuild itself and form Vempyremon anew. In the shape of an egg. Her life had started over, and in a way, reset itself.

Upon reformation, the egg was transferred to the human realm where it was found by a young demon boy, Bossanova. He tended and cared for the egg as such until it hatched, revealing a small, much inferior form of Vempyremon. He treated it as a rather odd pet, as strange and unfamiliar of a creature as it was. It was feral and wild, and the boy treated it as such. With patience, he would be able to tame it in time. As it 'digivolved', he knew he had more than just an unusual creature on his hands. By the Champion stage of evolution, he began to treat her more like a person, to his surprise. It was much bigger, humanoid, and quite possibly capable of having a perfectly working conscience. He contemplated this and began to try and teach her emotions and feelings. In due time, Vempyremon was rehabilitated, being able to think and act on her own from the help of this demon, who she now dubbed her best friend. She didnt quite remember much of what happened and her experiences in The Digital World, however. Daemon never once crossed her thoughts.

The Myotismon appeared to her and beckoned to return her to The Digital World with him. Hesitantly, of course, she complied. He brought her back to The Digital World, away from the Dark Area, and away from Daemon where she could live at peace with him. It was quite tranquil for the longest time, slowly remembering who this Digimon was and why she came to be. Remembering more and more became more of a burden for her, eventually driving her away from the Myotismon and his hospitality. Vempyremon traveled alone for quite a while, until he attacked. Daemon sent forth his henchmen to bring Vempyremon back to the Dark Area, but she refused. She ran, with no intention of returning to his clutches. Daemon was furious by her misbehavior and saw to it that she be brought back by force, dead or alive. The attacks continued, yet Vempyremon narrowly avoided capture each time. She wandered between The Digital World and the human world to temporarily cover her trail. Frustrated by now, Daemon caught scent of the Myotismon he originally sought to destroy. Using him to bring her back to the Dark Area, she reluctantly agreed. The Lord of Wrath destroyed him before her eyes, unfaithful to his words that forced her to accept. Vempyremon ran once more, now in mental anguish and regret. She closed herself off; refusing help and guidance from others. She couldnt trust anyone else for she knew Daemon was keeping a close eye on her.


  • Game-jumping (Refer to Wreck-It Ralph)
  • Technology
  • Punching things
  • Biting
  • Back scratches


  • Cute/Adorable things
  • Losing
  • Other females
  • Tail-pulling
  • Almost everything


  • Never takes off her arm warmers
  • Always appears to be glaring, angrily
  • Squeaks like a bat when happy or nervous
  • Short-tempered
  • Tsundere


dd0tqpk-ae31bed9-2768-4a6e-91b2-1d88d29ePierce Omagamma


dd0tra1-e0ad9f0c-3001-43c0-a835-fdca3bb8Kain Blackeis

Ex-Lover (Deceased)



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