


8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Experiment Code R837X, "Ferrin"


6,638 days



Production Date:

October 24th


 Experiment Information:

Self-Cauterization Mechanism
Process implemented successfully.
Ferrin's sebum consists of combustible material, and the live skin cells beneath his epidermis contain organelles that are able to facilitate exothermic reactions if a large amount of oxygen is present in the cells. That exothermic reaction generates enough heat to ignite the sebum for short periods of time. Essentially, when injured, the oxygen present in both Ferrin's blood  and the air overwhelm the cells, which allow the organelles to facilitate a reaction, and as a result cause the open wound to cauterize itself. Once the live skin cells beneath the epidermis are covered by burns, the reaction will die down due to lack of oxygen.

Independent Flame Production
Process implemented Successfully
Ferrin has enlarged pores (or pits) in his skin that generate an extreme amount of flammable chemicals, and in addition there are specialized cells around these pores specifically designed for oxygen storage. Ferrin can voluntarily allow the cells around the pits to be pumped full of oxygen, causing an intense exothermic reaction. This creates a large amount of flame that can be controlled along with the reaction. These pits are on his hands so he can, to some degree, produce and control fire. He also has pits on his shoulders, wrists, and various places about his body.

Epidermal Burn Resistance
Process implemented Successfully
In order for his skin to withstand frequent exothermic reactions, Ferrin's cells are fairly heat resistant, and therefor won't burn easily and can recover quickly from heat-induced damage. This allows him to efficiently heal wounds that have been cauterized.

Psychological Offense Mechanism
Process implemented Successfully
Being a living weapon not only requires physical strength, but the ability to inflict fear on opponents. With somatic stem cells taken from marrow, Ferrin was modified to have two bony protrusions jutting from his skull. His eyes are also modified to be a deep crimson, another aspect with the sole purpose of striking fear in potential opponents. His fangs serve the same purpose and also back as a last-resort weapon if absolutely necessary.

About Ferrin:


SEXUALITY: Pansexual

Ferrin's days as a scientific experiment began at conception. The first child to be created from artificial genetics and survive, Ferrin was used as a breakthrough, but not a final model. After successfully reaching the eight month marker, he was harvested from his nutrient pod, but once disconnected he lost weight rapidly. The scientists attending him realized that Ferrin had developed a case of U.A.I.W.L.; the same disease their previous fetus experiments had died from. To keep Ferrin alive it was required that he be temporarily immobilized and fastened to a machine that would provide him with copious amounts of nutrients. Relying on that very device for two years while immobile, once released, Ferrin's muscles were underdeveloped to the point of near debilitation. Throughout those two years, thanks to Ferrin's survival, improved models of manufactured children were being produced, so he was no longer necessary in that field. However, with the same genetic build of a human, Ferrin could still be use in other scientific endeavors. He was not exactly known to be compliant, especially in tests involving injections, but due to his inadequate muscle growth physical resistance was minimal.

At twelve years of age, Ferrin had endured several scientific trials involving burn resistance, but most had ended in failure. At this time, "blueprints" for a human weapon were being drafted. Although Ferrin, being weaker than most, was not of ideal physique for a human weapon, scientists figured the first subject would not survive the intense processes of being so drastically transformed. Ferrin's usefulness had been spent--loosing him to make scientific advancements was not a concern. Scientists, though they made valiant efforts, could not create a stable skin structure that could withstand heat, and eventually sought help.

Eventually they found an eager expert, Doctor Tori Jones, who would take the project off of their hands. They funded him and agreed to send him supplies as necessary, Trusting both the humanoid weapon design and Ferrin in Dr. Jones' hands, they left the work to him.

Tori, the scientist that was responsible for the completion of a once-unthinkable task, set to work immediately. He went above and beyond expectations, highly modifying the original human weapon design and causing it to be much more effective. After three years of work, his project was finished. But when he tried to contact his funders, he was greeted with the shocking news that the human weapon project was retired and no longer in work. Tori had completed the necessary adjustments on Ferrin and saw no further use for him, but he kept Ferrin anyway.

There is a certain pride to being a prototype. Being the original. Being the first step. But when you understand the staircase that is science, you also understand that when the second step, the third step, the fourth steps are implemented, the first is no longer necessary. The first was important for progress, but important no longer. Ferrin experienced this throughout his life. His artificial "birth" marked a milestone, but dozens of children more successful than he were created afterward. His mutations marked immense progress, but of a revoked line, rendering his abilities useless and unwanted. After so many trials, errors, successes and failures, learning that they all amounted to nothing undoubtedly discouraged--demoralized--Ferrin. Desperately longing for order in a world where nothing seems static, without a foundation, Ferrin feels empty. To fill that void he gravitates toward idolizing people. While this gives him the power to be intensely loyal, it also causes him to trust much too easily. He also depends on others strongly, which is partially due to his upbringing, since Ferrin didn't have many opportunities to act independently. Although it is true that he relies on people for many things, Ferrin gets a kick out of being rebellious when he is able to. He can be particularly destructive and careless if challenged. However, there is no way he would ever harm someone he respects or cares for, since he cherishes those people. And maybe a little too much. He'll do most anything to boost his reputation in the eyes of someone he wants to impress. Spending one third of his life with Tori and the rest in various other laboratories, Ferrin's morals are somewhat warped. Many things the average human might consider despicable Ferrin categorizes in the "gray" area since, over the years, he was desensitized. However, he does have a basic concept of "justice", and will often times complain about his own treatment. Ferrin also values relationships, even if he has some difficulty understanding them at times, and is quite the devoted companion.

Ferrin can be amazingly indecisive. An idea he was supporting moments ago could be all but forgotten with only a few persuasive words. He's the type to go with his "gut feeling," rarely taking the time to stop and think about the consequence or benefits of his actions. Undoubtedly, rash behavior combined with fire-producing abilities isn't a great combination, so Ferrin is under the watchful eye of Tori at (almost) all times.


• Due to the nature of Ferrin's skin and epidermal cells, he can cauterize wounds moments after being injured
• Because of his self-cauterization aspects, it is nearly impossible for Ferrin to die of exsanguination.
• Ferrin, while being an adequately self-healing entity, was also made to be a human weapon.
• There is a formula that temporarily yet effectively terminates Ferrin's Independent Flame Production. Only Tori knows this formula.