xx's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Original value

kiyolks Global Rules

By adopting from me, you are confirming you have read and agree to all of the following.
Rules effective immediately and for all future designs. Subject to change.
Please read before purchasing/transferring any of my designs.

  • I own all rights to the artwork(s) I have created for the design.
  • You are buying the partial right to use this design in your stories, RP, etc.
  • Personal use only. No commercial use.
  • Not for use in NFT or AI generation.

  • Always keep a copy of the original file along with any new edits drawing.
  • Do not edit my original drawing. You must create a new drawing of any changes.
  • You may change: colors, gender, change to closed species, etc., but it must still resemble the original design! (at least 75% the same)

  • No co-ownership allowed.
  • Always watermark the design image(s).
  • Clearly list the transfer reason when changing owners. Be as descriptive as possible.
    • Ex. art trade (2x bust)
  • When transferring off-site, please link me to new page of owner.

Resell / Trade / Gift
  • You may resell, trade, or gift designs you purchased.
    • You can only resell for price you got it for or lower, unless there is commissioned art with proof of prices.
    • Extra art must be shown in the price clearly.
      • Eg: price of adopt + prices of commissions = total selling price.
    • Art the current owner drew may be included in trade value for art trade or other trade discussed between the owner and buyer.
    • Traded or gifted art cannot be included in the price.
  • Traded designs can only be traded / gifted regardless of any additional art (commissioned or otherwise).
    • This usually applies to designs from OTA with art only offers or trades with me.
  • Free designs (raffle or WTA or DTA) can only be gifted or returned to me if you no longer want them.
  • Gifted designs can only be gifted.
If you have any questions or if permissions need to be updated, be sure to DM me.
Last edit:20 September 2024