


6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info



Apparent age







His short, wavy, light blonde hair, fair complexion and pink eyes can be quite surprising at first, especially combined with the various shades of pink he dresses in. His high cheekbones are unfortunately hidden by a round face. Some would say he looks handsome, others innocent, and still others, irritating. He has remarkably long eyelashes, and is rarely seen without his longbow.


His one wish is to help everyone find love - however, his progress is hindered by his sister. The controller of love and love-making in the universe, his rivalry with his sister drives his dedication to the job. Perhaps due to her influence, he can actually be quite scheming when plotting out the journey of lovers getting together, believing that the rewards are greater the more difficult it is for them to get together. He is usually quite serene as long as his sister is not around, but can get quite angry when she messes up his work. When not on the job, he enjoys painting and running. Certain people (eg the kind who think love is for chumps) can find his presence quite grating - if they are not partial to love itself, the being that represents it will seem annoying and stupid to them.


A kiss planted on two arrows (or more!) will link them together, after which he just has to fire them at the lovers-to-be, then await his plan to run its course. As a Power, he never ages - his body has always appeared this age, and always will do. He also cannot get injured in traditional ways - although if one of his plans go awry due to outside interference, he can get quite sick. If caught having to do a job without his bow, he can kiss his fingertip and press it against the lovers’ foreheads - however, he considers this method entirely inelegant, and will only do it if he really has to. He enjoys a different glass of wine every day, and consumes as much fruit as he possibly can.


Love has been at odds with his twin sister since the dawn of time. They have spent eternity in each other’s company, and neither of them can stand it. All they want is to be rid of each other for good, and so they struggle to affect every being with their own affliction in the hopes of wiping out their sibling. Love gets on with most of the other Powers, but even to them his presence can get quite sickening after a while, so he has a tendency to feel somewhat alienated.


He has a habit of fiddling with things when bored or nervous.