Kizara Hayato



2 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info

Name: Kizara Hayato

Pronouns: He/Him

Gender: Cis Male

Age: 14-15

Occupation: 1st Year UA Student

Ethnicity: Japanese

Race: Japanese

Blood Type: A

Languages Spoken: Japanese, a little English

Birthday: March 3

Chinese Zodiac: Fire Pig

Star Sign: Pisces

Hero Info

Hero Name: Boiling Point

Quirk: Geyser

Quirk Description: A mutant quirk which equips him with a large geyser on the top of his head. With this geyser, he can shoot out pillars of scalding hot water, emit steam, heat.. basically anything a geyser can do! He has control over its pressure, and to a degree its temperature.

Quirk Drawbacks: He can become overheated from overuse, and is susceptible to heat exhaustion or even heatstroke. He's also resilient to hot water but he can burn himself if he's not careful. Increasing water pressure tends to give him headaches.

Support Items

Protective Goggles: Goggles made to protect his eyes from boiling hot water splashing into them. They're covered in an anti-fogging agent so his steam doesn't become a problem.

Cooling Bands: Chilling bands wrapped strategically around his body. Namely around his wrists, neck, and temples.

Family Info

Mother: Kizara Niru ( Water Temperature Manipulation: Self Explanatory. )

Father: Kizara Gakuto ( Tectonic Tracking: Has an acute sense of tectonic plate movements at all times )


Sibling(s): None

Pet(s): Midori "Richan" ( Turtle )