Arin Hoffman



2 years, 11 months ago



Full Name: Arin Jones Hoffman
Gender: Male (Trans) He/Him
Age: 18
Birthdate: November 2nd
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 102 lbs

Guild Occupation

Guild: Night Star
Rank: Magic Smith
Partner: Wisp
Partner Species: Canadian Lynx
Combat Style: Mainly spell-based

Family Relations

Parents: Abraham Hoffman + Bill Hoffman
Siblings: None
S/O: None
Origin: Born in the Night Star Guild


Personality: Polite, attentive, smart, bookish, observant, cautious, shy, insecure, highly compassionate, gentle, diplomatic

Arin is a bright young man considered by many to be at the top of his class. Although he only recently completed his training, his skills rapidly improved and have a professional level of control. Despite his academic praises, Arin has low confidence in his own abilities, feeling they are inferior to those around him. He works as a Magic Smith, working with and continuing to learn about the capabilities of each magical element. He has a particular affinity for Arcana, with it being the widest ranged elements. He notably has an interest in history and geography.
Arin's main elements of magic are Arcana and Illusion - the latter being his partner's element. He can use several other elements however.
Arin was born and raised in the Night Star Guild. As a child he was rather mature, but had trouble honing social skills. As a result, he struggled to make friends with kids his age. Arin proved to be exceptional in many points of training throughout the years, but unfortunately, he was picked on for it. Arin lagged in physical combat compared to his peers, which many used to their advantage. Although he did manage to make a few friends in Katie and Nila, he still spent more of his time alone. When Codiak Gorman came to the Guilds and entered training, she struggled due to being several years behind in lessons. Arin started to help tutor her to get her caught up, and the two quickly became very close friends. The two did well at balancing each other, with Arin keeping Codi's temper in check and Codi getting Arin to come out of his shell more. Arin later introduced her to Katie and Nila, and the four grew closer as friends as a result. Arin was able to comfortably open up to them, much to his delight. He shares an interest in history with Nila - whom he has a crush on.
Arin is almost always with his partner, Wisp. The two are very content with each other's company, and often times are happy to settle in comfortable silence. Wisp helps Arin through difficult decisions and anxiety attacks, as well as bringing him perscriptions or food when he gets too busy or forgets. She finds herself constantly needing to remind Arin not to overwork himself and keeps trying to make him gain a more consistent sleep schedule...with the keyword being 'try'.