Zack Burman



2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Zachariah Burman

Age/Birthday: 32

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'8"

Race/Species: Inkling

Language(s): Inklish

Ink Color: Indigo

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Skin Color: Mid Black


Favorite Weapon(s): wip

Least Favorite Weapon(s): wip


Best Friend: wip

Closest 3 friends: wip

Accent or speaking quirks: Speaks in a mildly Indian accent

Hobbies or talents: Likes to read comic books and graphic novels

Favorite food(s): Spicy and salty things


Personality type: Before the events of Splatoon, Zack was a slightly shy, yet extroverted individual. However since his recruitment into the New Squidbeak Splatoon, his personality has taken a dramatic shift to a severely introverted individual with a fear of heights and chargers.

Bio: In his early years, Zack was a shy, book loving squid with an interest and dream to become an idol, looking up to music artists and pop stars. However, he was recruited by Captain Craig Cuttlefish into the New Squidbeak Splatoon. A bleeding heart at times, Zack agreed to help him fend off this so called "octarian menace". He had partaken in turf wars plenty of times, and he had assumed this was just some old reenactment of the old war from his school's lessons. But he was sorely mistaken. In the first week in Octo Valley, he nearly lost his head, and gained a permanent scar upon his tentacles and side of his head from an Octosniper. His fight with DJ. Octavio created his fear of heights as he had nearly fallen into the abyss beneath the battlefield, and once he was defeated, the Inkling boy returned home to Inkopolis to process everything that had happened.