Terry Lovejoy



6 years, 7 months ago


Literally me.
No, you don't understand, it's literally m-

A man that's dead inside and doesn't follow even his own rules.
The teacher we've all had at some point.

Terry once started out as a promising man. He studied at a prestigious school and was enthusiastic about teaching.
But as he waited for a job at the high school to open up, he was handed a job at the elementary to teach fourth grade.
Days turned into months, and months turned into years. Terry's bright eyes dulled, and his smile turned upside-down. Now he counts the hours while trying his "best" to keep students from breaking the classroom.

Notes: Originally, Terry was meant to be a sona. However, it still felt weird giving a character every single trait of mine, especially one that didn't look like me. I made him different, gave him opposite traits, enough to make him stand on his own. Well, that ended up making him his own character KEKEKEKEK I guess I'd still consider him a sona, in a way? He still has more traits of mine than all of my characters... Def weird CACKLE
My name on Discord is based off a holiday snack, but people think that's my real name, so I gave it to Terry. For him always being sick, it's because with my old volunteer job I used to catch colds ALL the time and joked about a character that was miserable like that KEKEKEK


Full Name: Terry Milton Lovejoy

Nickname: None so far

Age: 36

Birthday: September 14

Sexuality: Grey-romantic

Hair/Eye Color: Black/Dark Brown (or pale blue honestly whichever is easier for you)

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 130 Ibs

Occupation: Fourth Grade Teacher (refers to it as "Glorified Babysitter")

Personality: Terry is heavily pessimistic and sarcastic. He's not bitter or jealous, but he's not enthusiastic or engaged, either. He's got a nihilistic sense of humor, meaning he loves death jokes and slides one in when he thinks no one's listening. The only time anyone's seen him smile is when he's been caught looking at memes on his phone. Despite his bleak outlook on everything, he's never gotten angry with students or yelled at them (unless a fight breaks out or they knock over his coffee).
He enjoys what many people consider a boring night: going home alone and watching a marathon of Seinfeld. Nobody knows whether he's always been a hermit or if he became one out of exhaustion from work. In fact, some people theorize that the only reason he's so gloomy all the time is because he's always catching his students' colds.

Non-human Abilities:
- Managing to run off of three hours of sleep and a diet of trash food.

Voice: A sweet, sweet butter voice that's gone monotone; Liam O'Brien (Grimoire Weiss)

Drawing Details: Because he's given up, his outfit is very disheveled. His hair is messy, there are bags under his eyes, he has stubble, and he often times has pale skin and/or a fever. His tie is always loose and there's always at least one coffee stain on his shirt, he's often seen with mistmatched socks. Sometimes he's seen with an icebag over his head or a thermometer in his mouth. Never smiles. Glasses are optional.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- You may think there's a cigarette in his mouth, but it's a thermometer.

- He's a homeroom teacher, although he has a specialty of teaching music. Hasn't been able to do anything with music ever since the first of many colds started.

- There's a couch in his classroom specifically for him to rest on. Or he'll rest in the teacher's lounge's couch.

- If you can't find him, chances are that he's in the Nurse's Office resting.

- Nearsighted, though can still see well without glasses. If he's squinting, it's either because he's trying to see something or is tired.

- Has two older siblings.

- Primary instrument is oboe.

- Even though he doesn't seem to be an enthusiastic teacher, his students love him. Instead of giving him apples, they give him chocolate oranges. He doesn't eat them by slices, he takes big bites out of them as though they're apples.

- Has a high tolerance for alcohol.

- Has an enormous sweet tooth. No one's ever seen him eat anything other than snacks and desserts. Even when he's invited to dinners and lunches, he'll go straight to the dessert menu.

- Actually hates eating in front of people. Can't explain why. But he'll always get his food and go straight home to eat it alone in peace. That's why people have never seen him eating anything except snacks and treats.

- Has won Teacher of the Year before. Celebrated by going to sleep in his classroom.

- People are constantly surprised with how good of a teacher he really is.

- Has a 64 oz gas station mug he tries to fill with coffee every day.

- Hates tea and refuses to drink any kind.

- His trash diet includes at least one can of soda everyday. 

- Hates waterparks.

- He's my husband you can't have him.

- Hasn't ever witnessed a non-human, but wouldn't be surprised of their existence. It would explain some of these demons of children.

- Adrien Brody is his faceclaim because I'm in love with him.

- In a relationship with Alena.