Audrey Hampton



6 years, 7 months ago


Audrey Hampton

Name Audrey
Age 17 | May 23rd
Voice -
Race White
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Gay
Relationship Status Dating Yuki
Occupation Ex-bandmember


Easily angered. Stubborn. Gets jealous and upset way too easily. Holds grudges. Is extremely loyal. Is flexible in most situations. Observant. Perfectionist. Arrogant. Hates people who can name all the girls in her group except her. She has a mean mouth and can talk herself out of anything. Has a good memory/concentration. 

Audrey's Berserk button per se is her old fans taking old interviews out of context to speculate the band's eventual return. Audrey would much rather cut off her own hand then to return to Candy Vampire. It doesn't help that the fans saying that don't even want her to return to the band if they do end up getting back together since everyone thought it was Audrey that caused the band to split in the first place.

Audrey has a habit of drumming on things. However, she does a small paradiddle rhythm whenever she's agitated or angry about something. 

Design Notes

  • Maecenas ullamcorper erat et sollicitudin facilisis.
  • Nullam sed tortor varius, viverra leo id, interdum felis.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit lorem hendrerit fringilla tempus.
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.



Audrey and her friends wanted to start a teen band. They created Candy Vampire, and it ended up being a big hit, with multiple talent agents tripping over each other to get the group to have them belong to their label. Candy Vampire was a hit around the country, with the group having many fans. However, nobody seemed to recognize Audrey for her talents. While their fans gushed over the rest of the girls and wrote weird shipping fan art of the rest of the girls, no one paid attention to Audrey or even remembered her name/existence. Evidently, after many hits and awards, the group broke up. There were rumors that Audrey was the one to cause the group to split, and since that was the only time people even acknowledged her, it pissed Audrey off. 

Her and Yuki were classmates once Audrey decided to head back to school. They were both the loner types, and they appreciated each other's attitude.


  • The color purple
  • Her drum set
  • Sweet things
  • Hard rock


  • Pop music
  • Her Ex-band (Candy Vampire)
  • People who don't know her name, but knows the rest of the girls in her group
  • People who say drummers aren't important