


6 years, 7 months ago


  • Egil (EE-Yeh-Gil)
  • Cis Male
  • 24ft / 7'0
  • Dragon (Eastern)*
  •   $36.1 


[  Prideful • Ambitious • Creative.
Prideful and cocky towards others. Rarely is ever respectful as they see most others [if not everyone] as lesser than them.

Doesn't give a damn what others think of them. unless it's a clear form of an insult towards him.  If anyone goes missing he's to blame.
Due to this he has remained the longest standing Temple-guardian of the Temple he guards, is known for being very cunning and fierce without showing a hint of mercy towards intruders.  Although  a well known Guardian with barely to zero tolerance of trespassers, this rule and temperament  appears to disappear if true innocent minded individuals are around. 


Design Notes

  • One set of horns pointing towards the back of his head.
  • Top  2 fangs stick out on either side. 
  • Gold septum piercings, 2 rings on beard + chest, 4 on each long whisker,  2 on front arms (only front arms), and 1 before tails plum of a tail end.
  • Fluffy chest fur (akin to wearing a vest).
    • head fluff starts near the top, shaped kinda  a mohawk but less firm shape.
  • Small scars on body can be completely random while ones on face and x shaped ones are not.
  • Blue-sharp claws on grabby-grabby hands.


  • They may have been the runt hatching compared to all of his other siblings, in the clutch of eggs he was born into.  After starting to grow it was clear he'd be the largest of them all and that he did indeed became.
  • Near the Temple he guards is ruins of a once prosperous town, near where an old Kingdom's castle is. Occupants met their demise after becoming too proud of their jewelry, and other finery they'd made. Often bragging about them, a group of desert bandit scouts came across this village. Later returning with the clan, raided and completely destroyed the town.
  • Like all or almost every dragon, Egil breaths fire.
    • His light turquoise + baby blue mixed colour that he uses to melt and create new jewelry that he leaves as gifts to the shepherds guarding their flocks of sheep near by.
  • They also invite weary and friendly travellers to stay and rest in one of the many small rooms in his temple. tea anyone?
  • Due to his fierce and undefeated reputation few have attempted to take him on after many years. Egil may be cocky but never underestimates his opponents, taking his duels with utmost seriousness.
  • Theme song(s): 1 . 2 . 3