


6 years, 6 months ago


a l i e s t e r
Age 28

Height 5'8" (172.72 cm)

Gender Male

Eyes Blue

Hair Black

Body Average

Birthday Feb. 2nd

Zodiac Aquarius

Occup. Restaurant Waiter

Orient. Bi/Pan


Aliester is a 28 year old guy who works in a classy restaurant as a waiter. He lives in an apartment in an urban area on one side of town (while his work is on the other, so his daily commute is to take the bus crosstown). He enjoys his job and meets and witnesses a ton of different personalities which he finds fun to do, even the unsavory kinds of people seem interesting to him. However when at home he becomes very lazy and would lie on his bed or the couch all day and either watch tv, scroll through stuff on his phone, or sleep.

Design notes

  • Keeps hair tied up in a low ponytail at work
  • Make sure most of the bangs are on his LEFT side (our right)
  • Work clothes consist of a black vest, dress pants ,and tie; white dress shirt; black dress shoes with laces
  • Outside of work he'd wear anything comfy at home
  • He likes both leather and jeans jackets

  • Motorcycles
  • Sleeping
  • His good looks lol
  • Going to bars
  • Smoke
  • Shallow people
  • Fixing other's mistakes

(may need revision since it's kinda old)

Aliester was born in the suburbs by his parents Matilda and Aleksei. He has another dad named Reuben, who was his mom's other husband (she married two guys at once). Aliester felt lucky he had three parents instead of two since it made him feel special or more unique. Reuben was the one who taught him most of the book smarts and manners and how to behave. Aleksei was more of a hands on kind of guy and taught him more technical/ practical things, but he was always more lenient when it came to punishments, sometimes even bailing Aliester out from when either of the other two parents punished him. Matilda taught him to just be original/ himself and don't bother with anyone who tries to mess with him and such. Aliester always admired how tough his mom was.

When Aliester grew up and moved to a city, he settled in a cheap but decent enough apartment which had at first just the essentials. He didn't bother decorating since that's too much work to do and too much to cleap up once things settle down and dust forms. This made his apartment pretty bare but he made sure to personalize the few things he does have. He does have a few things to remind him of home and his parents though.

He never dated anyone during school years becuse he didnt think anyone was interesting enough, but eventually he started to date a few people. He never really cared who or what the other person was, he only cared if they were interesting enough for him and if he really enjoyed their company. Aliester dated two woman at first but each didn;t ast very long; only a few months, not over six months. The breakups were pretty simple however. In contrast, he dated a guy after them and this relationship lasted almost two years, however the break up left a bad taste to him and he didn't want to date for a while. Later on he'll meet Caviar and the two would experience a bunch of things that eventually leads to them dating.


  • He's not narcissistic but he does think he looks hot very handsome.
  • He frequents this particular bar near his apartment which makes a few of his favorite drinks, a couple of them being original cocktails.
  • He wishes to own a motorcycle someday but his living area has no garage to store one. He's learned how to drive but doesn't want a car.
  • He's not one to get outright angry, but when provoked he can get irritated and would speak harshly in both words and tone, all while keeping his calm demeanor.
  • He's the type of guy who'd date or hook up with someone who piques his interest


They first met at work when Cavi was new. They ended up talking and becoming friends.

One day Aliester finds a certain business card Caviar unknowlingly drops and decided to investigate it since it intrigued him. That's when he found out about Cavi's other job (and more of their story goes on until they start to date)

dad (bio)

Aside from looking just like him, Aliester got part of his mischievous side from him too, and his affection for motorcycles. He's always referred to him as 'daddy', even now too (he doesn't feel embarrased by that lol)


Aliester admires how strong he mom is, both physically (they have similar jobs) and mentally (he sometimes saw her get critizied by others for marrying two men when he was younger). He loves her a lot and tends to call her often.


Ali got his morals and book smarts from Reuben. He also finds it fun to tease him sometimes, especailly when Ali got older, but it's mostly affectionate stuff. He always referred to him as "dad".


They met at work and became pretty close, since they both like alcohol and Aliester finds Joutarou's daily gossip to be entertaining whether or not he himself knows what's going on

code by jiko