Vax Zynderkoff



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info







Eye Color

Dark Blue

Hair Color/ Length

Black / Chin length; covers his right eye

Skin Tone



January 15th

Zodiac Sign




Sexual Orientation



Vax is 28 yrs old and he's a capricorn. He has chin length black hair; most of it covers his right side, and he has deep blue eyes. He lives in a large house near the German side of Switzerland. He is an only child who comes from a well off family, though both of his parents died when he was young; his mother passed away after Vax's birth, and his father had a fatal hunting accident with a bear when Vax was 8 (he witnessed the event happen in front of him and from then on he was terrified of bears). He was under the care of the head maid who was like a mother to him. They lived off the father's earnings until Vax was able to find work. Despite being a busy guy he put aside time to write about various things, whether it was about his day or an idea he didn't want to forget. He likes to write. He managed to get a work of fiction published and it gave a decent profit.



Trivia for fun (and bullets to be worked into paragraphs lmao) 

  • When he's tired he falls asleep fast lol (like under 10 min or so ;v;)
  • He doesn't have anything significant hiding under his long bangs; he actually likes this style :') 
  • He never knew his mother but he knows what she looks like because of a full portrait of her and her husband (vax's dad) that was commissioned
  • Vax's hair color is the same as his mom 
  • Vax's family is wealthy enough to have a big house and a few good servants/maids. There's also a big garden along with it that's well cared for
  • There are times where genuine emotion does appear on his face, such as wonder/amusement at something new that fascinates him, or fear when it comes to bears, etc. It happens when he doesn't realize it, since he tends to maintain his cool/stern appearance 
  • He hates bugs lol (not as in fear but more of a disgust)
  • He's pretty much lived a sheltered life; he's not one to make friends easily for he was always on his own writing stories or daily events (when not doing schoolwork), nor was he the most approachable kid either, especially after losing his father. He prefers to stay home than to go out, which some may find weird for a young guy I guess
  • He has a horrible sense of direction 😔 he will get lost... even in his hometown..... if he has to go out a servant needs to accompany him ;;
  • He's very good at math/ finances and he's fluent in German, English, French, and Italian (though speaking the latter two still needs some work, but he's able to read in all of them)
  • At home the person he trusts most is the head maid of the servants (she was also a teacher to him and then became legal guardian after losing his parents). She was like a mother to him too, even if she were a bit strict sometimes, but she was also very kind and often liked to read the stories Vax wrote
  • TBA