


6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info



Eye Color

Light Blue

Hair Color / Length

Black with a blue shine, or a very dark blue / Mid back length, bangs are parted off to both sides and tucked in

"Skin" Tone



Male lol


Detective/ Crime Stopper


Lloyd is a male android created for stopping crimes and detective work. He was created along with another android named Leroy, but Leroy got taken up by an influential politician (more of that on his page). Both of them were supposed to go to the police agency to work there. Only Lloyd ended up in there, where he meets the lead detective named Yuros and works with him from then on.

Lloyd starts off as a stoic android, the complete opposite personality of Yuros; like a blank slate of sorts. Eventually they warm up to each other as Lloyd learns about human emotion and interactions and gains experiences through each case. He rather much stick to the law and some morality when dealing with cases, and this is easier for him to do since he doesn't experience emotions well like how a human could, but he tries his best to understand why someone feels a certain way. 

Lloyd is well equipped with various weapons within his arms and legs. His clothing, mainly the striped transparent shirt underneath his top vest, is made with special materials that is able to be manipulated whenever a certain weapon is being activated. The vest acts like a bulletproof vest, adding extra protection to his torso. Concealed within his torso is a core which gives him life. Although both his 'skin' and his clothes are hard to break, he is not invincible, so there can be a case where something may pierce through him or break him, and the protection of the core can become compromised. In cases like these, he has to be repaired as soon as possible, or at least the core should be covered long enough so nothing would fall or leak out of him. 

He has two methods of obtaining energy; the more effective one is electric energy since it is easily accessible and lasts longer. The other is a basic fuel which is used on a last resort or when he decides to "eat or drink" when acting like a human.