Chase Locke



2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Chase Locke
Name meaning: To Hunt

Age: 18-19

Ethnicity: American

Height: 6'1 (185 cm)

Birthday: July 8
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Languages: English

Personality: Chase is loud, hyper, and upbeat. He's very cheerful, and enjoys pulling pranks and causing trouble. He's cheeky and expressive, and uses his outward appearance to distract himself from feeling down. 

Likes: Baseball, videogames, movies, food
Dislikes: rainy days, hospitals, spiders

Extra Facts:
- Chase met Veralyn in the third grade, and since has had a crush on her
- When he was 13, his mother passed of an illness.
- His father succumbed to his depression after her death, and became an alcoholic. Unable to face him, Chase began to actively avoid going home.
- Do to the bad experiences with the amount of hospital visits to see his mother, he gets sick whenever he's around or in one.
- He often hangs out on the streets with his friends, and occasionally gets into fights
- He is a big foodie, and loves to eat
- He likes to spend his time in a nearby arcade. His favorite games are PvP and skee-ball.
- His favorite color is orange